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[[underlined]] RESTRICTED [[/underlined]]
^[[Hq Sq VFC Par 4]]
Symbols: WP Will proceed, or will proceed thereto
FWM Tvl dir is necessary for accomplishment of emerg war mission
NMS Number of months service
TCHT TC will furnish the necessary [[T?]]
OCWR And on completion of the TDY will return to proper sta
COMD And thence to such other places as the CO may direct
ASRS Adjusted Service Rating Score
^[[Sgt James, W E Par 4]]
APO 929
SPECIAL ORDERS [[underlined]] 17 February [[underlined]]
[[?]] 43
APO 929
1. The fol named O and EM [[?]] indicated/ are placed on TDY for period 19 Feb to 25 Feb at places indicated reporting to Hotel Management Team thereat for further instructions.  (Auth: 8th Army Circular 28th, 26 Oct 45).
WP o/a 18 Feb 46. Tvl by rail auth. OCWP. TDM. TCPS.
2D LT. [[?]] WALLACE 0206 743 460th Ftr Sq
FLT O DONALD F WALLACE 130687 460th Ftr Sq
[[?]] HOTEL, LAKE [[?]]
2D LT WILLIAM H JENKINS 02045135 421st Night Ftr Sq
2D LT WINSTON H [[?]] 0870852 421st Night Ftr Sq
1st Lt [[?]] 0773680 36 Ftr Sq. 8th Ftr Gp.
FLT O JOSEPH J [[?]] 126703 36 Ftr Sq. 8th Ftr Gp
Cpl Leonard Guerrero 18175705 421st Night Ftr Sq
Cpl Donald Henderson 19209928 421st Night Ftr Sq
S Sgt Bernard Weiss 42070525 Hq Sq WFC
*Non-Com in Charge.
2. 1st LT [[?]] 0587431 A? (2120) 1400 MP Co APO 92? is placed on TDY at [[?]] to carry out the instructions of the CO. WP o/a 17 Feb 46  OCWP. Tvl by rail auth. TD. [[?]] [[?]] (Auth FAF Reg 35-20 9 Dec 45)
3. The fol EM [[?]] from orgns indicated APO 929 to 308th Bomb Wg APO 712 WP o/a 18 Feb 46. Tvl by rail auth. [[?]] AA [[?--?]] 18 Feb 46.
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