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[[photo - Imperial officer Yasuno Chikao raising a sword above his head; blindfolded Australian Sgt Leonard Stiffleet kneeling on the ground]]
[[photo credit]] (UPI) [[/photo credit]] 
[[caption]][[highlighted/underlined]] American fliers at Fukuoka Prison suffered this fate just after the Emperor announced surrender. [[/highlighted/underlined]][[/caption]]


6/20/45 - 8 Executed
8/11/45 - 8 "[[ditto for Executed]]
8/14/45 - 16 "[[ditto for Executed]]<--< 1 day [[underlined]] after Japan surrendered [[/underlined]]

The Japanese military personnel were very cruel and inhumane. They would [[underlined]] never [[/underlined]] surrender.


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[[photo - bomber with large cross on tail sitting on tarmac with military members standing/walking nearby]]
[[photo credit]] (U.S. Army) [[/photo credit]] 
[[caption]] Kawabe mission lands at Ie Shima Green crosses on bomber were painted on orders from MacArthur. [[/caption]]

[[photo - Imperial Army General Masakazu Kawabe climbing a ladder to board a plane]]
[[photo credit]] (U.S. Army) [[/photo credit]] 
[[caption]] Kawabe and staff transfer to American plane for flight to Manila. [[/caption]]

[[caption]] Kawabe offers to shake hands with American Colonel Sidney Mashbir at Nichols Field, Manila. Mashbir refuses. [[/caption]
[[photo credit]] (UPI) [[/photo credit]]
[[photo - Imperial Army General Masakazu Kawabe reaching out to shake hands with American Colonel Sidney Mashbir in front of crowd]]