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My childhood buddy John North and I, Bill Jones were interviewed on 8/4/95 by ABC Ch 21 for the 50th anniversary of the atomic bombing of Japan. John was an Army combat engineer and I was the Army Air Corps atomic bomb damage aerial photographer. One of the incidents that John witnessed was too graphic for TV. As John's patrol crept through a bamboo grove they came upon their buddies in the advanced patrol. The Japanese had cut bamboo sprouts to a sharp point about four feet above the ground and jammed our boys down into a sitting position onto the poles, leaving them to die an agonizing death. They took NO PRISONERS! [[underlined]] If this is not enough [[/underlined]] to convince you that the atomic bombs were justified, [[underlined]] let me show you what was waiting for us if we had invaded! [[/underlined]] Bill Jones ^[[- - - -
- - Read Top Secret
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