Viewing page 147 of 307

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[[start page]]

All by Jones

[[image - photo of jeep driving through 5th Air Force gate]]
[[caption]] Main Gate 2/2/46 Radio Station on left. [[/caption]]

[[image - photo of John Tylko challenging a dragon statue with a bayonet]]
[[caption]] John Tylko We captured this dragon in a thicket [[/caption]]

[[image - photo of Martin Renninger with a sword, riding a dragon statue]]
[[caption]] Martin Renninger - We finally got him tame enough to ride! That was my sword (now in Motts Military Museum, Columbus, Ohio.) [[/caption]]

[[caption]] Really dense thicket! [[/caption]]
[[image - photo of Bob Gardner, waist-deep in dense thicket]]
[[caption]] Bob Gardner [[/caption]]


[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[image - photo of Foster in uniform, standing next to a Japanese man]]
[[caption]] Foster with friend 4/7/46 By Tylko [[/caption]]

[[image - photo of three women and one man]]
[[caption]] By Foster [[/caption]]

[[image - photo of decorated cake with little models of human heads]]
[[caption]] By Foster 4/7/46 [[/caption]]

[[image - photo of Japanese woman]]
[[caption]] Wife of shop proprietor [[/caption]]


[[end page]]