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[[start page]]

[[image - photo of Jeep parked in front of rubble]]
[[caption]] 3/3/46 By Jones [[/caption]]

[[image - photo of rubble]]
[[caption]] Bomb damage, Fukuoka. 2/21/46. City was destroyed with incendiary bombs during one raid by 52 B-29 bombers By Tylko [[/caption]]

[[image - photo of people walking by rubble]]

[[image - photo of city street with street car]]


[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[image - photo of service members in front of WELCOME BAMBOO STORE MIYAZAKI sign; two school children walking past / partially covered by newspaper clipping]]
[[caption]] Mark Foster and Major Myers Miyazaki [[/caption]]

[[backside of newspaper clipping of Johnnie Johnson's heroics, flipped up so it doesn't obscure the Johnnie Johnson photo]]

[[image - photo of Tylko standing in front of a Jeep parked next to a Souvenir Shop]]
[[caption]] Tylko [[/caption]]

[[image - photo of Johnnie Johnson]]
[[caption]] Pfc - Johnnie Johnson [[/caption]]

[[image - photo of a street]]


[[end page]]