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[[4 images left page]]
[[business card]]
20 th RECCO. Sqdn.

Sgt. Harry T. Cassidy 
[[Japanese text]]

Irumagawa Air Strip
Johnson Field, Japan.
[[right arrow to top picture right page]]
[[/business card]]


[[3 images on top and right side of right page]]

[[newspaper clipping]]
Generally Speaking...

Major General K. B. Wolfe
Commanding General, Fifth Air Force
If there was ever any doubt as to the importance of ground crews during the war, that doubt should now be dispelled. The recent slowdown in air mail deliveries was due entirely to the shortage of ground crews and our own "out of commission" condition in the Fifth Air Force is because of the same shortage. Perhaps the ground crews didn't get their share of the glory during the war but they certainly have the spotlight of importance now.
the "brass" is well aware of the shortage and the importance of it, and action has been taken to relive it. However, as one squadron commander remarked recently: "Ground crews don't grow on trees and are not made over night." For this reason we are putting emphasis on the training program and are eagerly awaiting the arrival of replacement personnel and qualified enlisted and civilian instructors
Maj. Gen. K. B. Wolfe
* * *
I want to welcome at this time those non-commissioned officers and enlisted men who have recently been transferred to the Fifth Air Force from the Army Ground Forces. Your joining us at this time is of great importance to the Pacific Air Command. With your assistance we expect to raise the combat efficiency of the Fifth Air Force.

As you have no doubt already learned, there are ample opportunities in many types of mechanical and administrative work. You will find conditions in the Fifth Air Force not too different from those in you old organizations. There is plenty of work to be done, both in maintaining equipment and in improving living conditions and facilities on the bases. You will find the Air Force commanders ready and willing to assist you in your new line of work.

[[image]] COMMA 


[[note]] My "Home" December 1945
See Story 39A page 2 [[/note]]

Ground Force Men To Supplement FAF

Several thousand enlisted men will shortly be transferred from the Eighth Army to help fill up the depleted ranks of Fifth Air Force units, according to A-1, Fifth Air Force.

The men will come from Ground Forces outfits, some of which are currently being inactivated, and will be trained for their new duties in the comprehensive Fifth Air Force training program recently announced by Major General K.B. Wolfe.

Air Force units in Korea will receive a substantial number of Ground Force men from AFWESPAC. No transfer of personnel from Japan to Korea is contemplated. 

A considerable number of Air Corps officers are arriving from the States and are being allocated to the Air Forces in the pacific by PACUSA as the need for replacements is determined.

Hobby Supplies Arrive
Hobby hounds in Fifth Air Force units will soon be able to go to town with seven tons of new equipment and supplies just received from Australia by the Information and Education Section, 
[[/newspaper clipping]] 

[[under bottom image]]
[[cut off]] ninger 
By Tylko 
[[/under bottom image]]

Transcription Notes:
Reopened for Editing 2024-01-27 20:02:41 [[4 images: left page: Two women in kimonos, holding umbrellas, escorting four small children some wearing name-tags; two young girls sitting on the ground, wearing what may be a school uniform, one holding something; people sitting inside and outside what appears to be an open-air tea house; two women in kimonos, with two children sitting on a park bench.]] [[3 images top and right side of right page: soldier in uniform standing in front of a building with "20th" on a sign (arrow from left pointing from card to photo); photo of man in dress shirt and tie, in dim light; photo of man in military shirt and tie]]