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37 earthquake
proof buildings
all cracked
beyond repair

The mosaic of reconnaissance photos(above) made the day after Hiroshima was bombed shows circle of flattened ash, stretching almost four miles from foothills (upper left) well into the outlying eastern area (right). [[underlined]] A few buildings still stood [[/underlined]], spared by the freakish dynamics of explosion. Smoke drifted up.
Within the grim circle, in which 100,000 reportedly died, a rail station, generator station, Hiroshima's telephone company, scores of big buildings, hundreds of small were rubble. Eleven bridges were destroyed or damaged. Textile mills and rail centers nearer the circle's edge were damaged or 100% destroyed. Seriously damaged, too, were the relatively distant army bases. The atomic bomb had blown three fifths of Hiroshima off the face of the earth.

NO. 1

At left-the tower of smoke, flame and radiation loosed by the atomic bomb which almost completely destroyed Hiroshima's identity as a city. At the time of this photo was taken the man-made cloud billowed 20,000 feet above Hiroshima and had spread over 10,000 feet on the target at the base of the rising column.
The vaporized buildings and people formed the hot radioactive cloud which rose to a height of 90,000 feet.

A closeup of the twisted steel girders of one building an the gutted wreck of another. Hiroshima, located on the flat delta of the Ota River, was a military base. As a Jap report stated- [[underlined]] "probably more than a thousand times since the beginning of the war did Hiroshima citizens see off, with cries of 'Banzai,' the troops leaving from the harbor." [[/underlined]]