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[[image: emblem: wings on a circular shape with star in middle. AFA.

[[image: emblem: CERTIFIED

Past Vice President
AFA Chapter 143
Fort Wayne Indiana
William E Jones CPP
Hiroshima & Nagasaki PROGRAM:
Atomic Bomb Damage Viewed From Above
1570 North Lafontaine Street [[image of airplane]] Huntington, IN. 46750-1308

Books that I [[strikethrough]] own [/strikethrough]] [[pencil underlined]] ^[[have donated to the Hoosier Air Museum]]
[/pencil underlined]]

Hiroshima, John Richard Hersey, 1946
Men and Volts at War, (General Electric), 
   John A. Miller, 1947
Secret, (Chrysler Corporation), Wesley W.
   Stout, 1947
Must We Hide?, RE E. Lapp, 1949
Atoms in the Family, My Life With Enrico
   Fermi, Laura Fermi, 1954
Bomb Survival and You, Fred Severud and
   Anthony Merrill, 1954
Hiroshima Diary, August 6-September 10, 1945
   Michihiko Hachiya, M.D., 1955
Brighter than a Thousand Suns, Robert Jungk
The Effects of Nuclear Weapons, U.S. Dept.
   of Defense, 1957
Formula for Death, E=MC2, (The Atom bombs 
   and After), Fernand Gignon, 1958
No High Ground, Fletcher Knebel and Charles
   W. Bailey II, 1960
The Day of the Bomb, Karl Bruckner, 1961
Japan Subdued, The Atomic Bomb and the End
   of the War in the Pacific, Herbert T.
   Feis, 1961
Fundamentals of Aerospace Weapons Systems, 
   AFROTC, 1961
The Best-Kept Secret, John Purceell, 1963
Death in Life, Survivors of Hiroshima, 
   Robert Jay Lifton, 1967
The Fall of Japan, William Craig, 1967
Children of the Atomic Bomb, Arata Osada,
Dark Star (Claud Eatherly), Ronnie Dugger,
Lawrence and Oppenheimer, Nuel Pharr Davis,
Nagasaki, The Forgotten Bomb, Frank W.    
   Chinnock, 1969
Return to Hiroshima, Betty Jane Lifton, 
   Eikoh Hosoe, 1970
Nagasaki - The Necessary Bomb?, Joseph 
   Laurance Marx, 1971
The Day Man Lost, Hiroshima, 6 August, 1945,
   The Pacific War Research Society, 1972
Barefoot Gen, Out of the Ashes, Keiji 
   Nakazawa, 1975
Ruin From The Air, The Atomic Mission to 
   Hiroshima, Gordon Thomas & Max Morgan
   Witts, 1977
^[[hand drawn 1 and arrow pointing to below name of Thomas (above)]]
Nagasaki, 1945, Tatsuichiro Akizuki, 1981
^[[hand drawn 2 and arrow pointing to just below name Nagasaki (above)]]
Los Alamos Science, Los Alamos National
   Laboratory, Number 7, Winter/Spring 1983
^[[hand drawn 3 and arrow pointing to just below the word Winter (above]]
Day One, Before Hiroshima and After, Peter
   Wyden, 1984
Last Stop Nagasaki!, Hugh v. Clark, 1984.
Miracle of Deliverance, The case for the 
   Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki,
   Stephen Harper, 1985
Eagle Against the sun, Ronald H. Spector
The Making of the Atomic Bomb, Richard 
   Rhodes, 1986
Day of the Bomb, Countdown to Hiroshima,
   Dan Kurzman, 1986
^[[hand drawn 4 and arrow pointing to below the words 'Day of the Bomb' (above)]]
Alvarez, Adventures of a Physicist, Louis W.
   Alvarez, 1987
Flight of the Enola Gay, Paul Warfield
   Tibbets, 1989
Children of the Paper Crane, Masamoto Nasu,

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1984-85 President. Professional Photographers of Indiana, Inc.

Transcription Notes:
There are four circled numbers and arrows pointing to areas of print, but I don't know what it is supposed to represent or exactly what the arrows point at.