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The party was soon settled on the train [[strikethrough]]for the trip[[/strikethrough]] and presently we were all sca^[[n]]ning the sky over New York City, [[strikethrough]] across/the Hudson[[/strikethrough]], for the first appearance of the /Plane. 

Cal was starting the flight from Sheepshead Bay, Long Island, and it was not until about four thirty P.M. that someone spied him in the air. [[strikethrough]]hundred West[[/strikethrough]]. He crossed the Hudson at an altitude of about a thousand feet, circled the Jersey City terminal several times and then disappeared into the West. 

The next hour seemed like a day. Cal's mechanicians were enroute  from Sheepshead Bay to Jersey City by auto. Finally [[strikethrough]] however [[/strikethrough]] the ferry carrying them came into its ship; the car shot off the ferry.