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There was always intense excitement when Cal landed. Sometimes we could see him make his landing; at others when he was ahead of us, we would be stopped by a townsman who would advise us he had seen Rodgers come down "somewhere up north". The train was run to the nearest siding, the engine uncoupled the end doors of the baggage car opened, the skids put down and the big [[?]] \Roadster, which was always stocked with a supply of gas and oil for the \Plane, was run out & dusted off carrying the mechanicians. With them always with a quart of cream for Cal, which with the exception of coffee, was the only beverage I saw him drink. He did smoke incessantly, however, and his big black cigars were not meant for a novice to mess around with. Frequently it would be some time before Cal's landing place could be located and reached by the auto. [[strikethrough]]He once[[/strikethrough]] Those on the train merely stood by, and [[strikethrough]]finally[[/strikethrough]] Cal would ^[[finally]] show up in the air, circle the train once or twice and disappear . We would wait for the auto, fo through our stunt of loading it and be off. The technique we developed on fetting that big Apperson \Roadster out of and back into the baggage car, up and down those two narrow skids, was remarkable.