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entirely escape personal injury this time but he was not seriously hurt. 

Well! The third Monday and third crack up. We all repaired to the same Hotel at which we had enjoyed the banquet on the previous Saturday evening. 

Once more parts were ordered, the Plane was brought in to a [[?]] new garage and for the third time, reconstruction began. 

Wednesday noon, [[circled]]Chas[[/circled]] Taylor the chief mechanicians said to me during lunch "come over to the garage this afternoon if you want to see some fun." I found the repairs nearly completed and the plane ready for a tune up. The garage was packed with intensely interested spectators; men, women and children. ^[[who had never seen an airplane before]] 

The ceiling was low, so that the propellors barely had clearance. A wire had been stretched about three feet back of the of the propellor to keep the the crowd at least that far away. Presently, Mr. Taylor called me to come over and get in front of the plane, which I found was well anchored to the floor. He then gave a signal to a