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2- From 1933 was free lance writer, photographer, and world traveller; taught Creative Writing in Oklahoma (1960-62); with Vietnamese Press in DaNang, RVN (1966). Other activities: Guest lecturer on travel in Africa, Middle East and Far East; Outdoor sports in Alaska-her home from 1964. Last music appearance was in 1964 playing Liszt Concert for Regional Music Teachers Meeting, Mangum, Oklahoma, on Baldwin concert grand piano, which, at her request was presented to the University of Alaska School of Music, Anchorage, Alaska. Two years assisting in Pre-Operative at Walter Reed Hospital, Washington, DC during Korean War. LCOL Civil Air Patrol, USAF Auxiliary. At time of death held Commercial Pilot License #12889, and was Rated Air Search and Rescue Pilot. Awards: USAF Air War College Commendation; Amelia Earhart Award (1960); Lady Grace Hay, Drummond Hay Trophy, Women's International Association of Aeronautics (1957); Balbo Air Medal (Italian) (1933); Writer's Digest Creative Writer's Award (1962); Alaska Press Club Color Photography Award (1967); Flying Farmer's Magazine Feature "Farming in Vietnam" illustrated Award (1966). Affiliations: First Families of Virginia (1938), Pioneer Pilots, 0X5 Club (early pilots who flew 0X5 powered aircraft),