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[[newspaper clipping]] [image - photograph of Manila Davis and plane]] [[caption]] Miss Manila Davis, formerly of West Virginia, now living in Brookline, a graduate of the New England Conservatory of Music [[/caption]] [[newspaper clipping]] CHARTER MEMBERS of girls' flying club. From left to right, Joan Fay Shankle, Woods Hole; Mrs. Mary B. Bacon, Brookline; Lilias Moriarty, Boston; Mrs. Theodore "Teddy" Kenyon, Brookline; Olivia "Keet" Mathews, Dedham; Cassa Dimon, Millis; Manila Davis, Boston; Lorraine Defren, Newton; Frances "Billie" Nelson, Beverly; Mrs. Dolly Bernson, Brookline; Mrs. Mildred A. Chase, Chelsea; Eleanor Spear, Portland, Me.; Agnes Wilcox, Colon, Panama; Betsy Kelly, Radcliffe. [[image - photograph of group of women in front of plane]] [[/newspaper clipping]] [[newspaper clipping]] [[image - photograph of two women working on a plane]] [[caption]] MISS BEATRICE BEECHY MISS MANILA DAVIS Miss Beatrice Van Houten Beechy student pilot, and Miss Manila Davis, pilot, working on their plane at the Boston Airport. (Staff photo.) [[/newspaper clipping]]