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[[newspaper clipping]] Mollisons Honored by Clubs THE NEWLY FORMED Transoceanic Fliers of America organiation entertained Capt. James A. Mollison at a luncheon at Beaux-Arts Apartments in New York, N. Y., August 7. Members of the group who attended the meeting included the following: Harold Gatty, Clarence Chamberlin, Walter Hinton, Roger Q. Williams, Clyde Pangborn, Frank Courtney, Holger Hoiriis, Otto Hillig, George Haldeman, George Noville, Emil Burgin, William Alexander, Bennett Griffen, James Mattern, Robert G. Lyon and J. Errol Boyd. While her husband was being entertained in New York, Mrs. Amy Johnson Mollison was guest of honor at a luncheon given by the Ninty-Nines at Long Island Aviation Country Club, Hicksville, N. Y. [[/newspaper clipping]] [[image - photo of the Ninety-Nines]] [[newspaper clipping]] New York Daily Mirror August 9th 1933 Mrs. Amy Johnson Mollison (arrow), beside Mrs. Amelia Earhart Putnam, with other lady birds. "SKY NIGHT" at Rye, N. Y., and a dinner at Hicksville, L. I., in honor of Amy Mollison, were functions that brought famous fliers together. [[image - photo of the Ninety-Nines, arrows pointing to Amy Mollison and Manila Davis]] [[/newspaper clipping]] [[image - emblem of Ninety-Nines]] Dear Manila. 99's are giving a luncheon in honor of Amy Mollison aviation country club on Monday, Aug 7th one oclock. Call me, Garden city 5694 by Sat. Please come. 99's are sponsoring a Wiley Port Dinner at Roosevelt Hotel Thursday, nite aug 3 call hotel for reservations. $5.00 per person. Will you keep Opal for me? Francis Marsalis [PAGE 163]
Transcription Notes:
Duplicate of page 434