Viewing page 174 of 521

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[[image - photograph of  a group of women sitting in chair and on the ground with one woman standing; table with white tablecloth in foreground]]

[[image - photograph of woman with flowers, two women in airplane, two other women on ground]]

[[image - photograph of two women in airplane, two woman standing next to airplane]]

[[image - photograph of women seated at tables with white table cloths in front of a house]]

[[image - photograph of woman with large bouquet of flowers standing next to other woman pilot]]

The President 
^[[Charles A Hirsch Jr]]
take pleasure in extending to 
^[[Mrs B. B. Talley]]
a cordial invitation to accept nomination
for membership in the 
Sportsman Pilots Association Inc.
R.s.v.p. to the Secretary
2035 17th St., Washington, D.C.

[[image - photograph of women pilots gathered in front of an airplane]]

[PAGE 164]

Transcription Notes:
Duplicate of page 435