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[[preprinted]] [[boxed]] STILL PHOTO CAPTION W/O # PACK/NEG # Date PROJECT ^[[Annette Gipson All Women Air Race]] WHO (left to right) - Grade, [[underlined]] full [[/underlined]] name, organization and home address. ^[[Amelia Earhart, Starter; Manila Davis (now Mrs. B. B. Talley) Viola Gentry, [[handwritten note]](Photo by William Kolliker, NY Journal-American).[[/handwritten note]] WHAT ^[[Closed course race Second Annual Annette Gipson Air Race]] WHEN ^[[4 June 1933]] WHERE ^[[Floyd Bennett Airport, Brooklyn, New York]] WHY ^[[Cash prizes and furs from locak fur shop]] HOW ^[[Twenty two entries. 18 started, including 2 contestants above, & 18 finished.]] [[/boxed]] [[/preprinted]]