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In Social Circles

By Virginia Davis

MANY people in our community are not aware that we have a prominently known pianist living out at Patterson field. We know [[underlined]] Manilla Davis Talley [[/underlined]], wife of Lieutenant B.B. Talley, as a competent flyer, and were much interested to hear of her musical talents, as well.

Mrs. Talley has just returned from Boston, where she had a brief course of study under Sam Roma, piano soloist with the Boston Symphony orchestra, and a member of the staff at the New England Conservatory of Music. She has been studying Liszt's "A major Concerto" one of the most difficult of piano compositions with orchestral accompaniment.

Mrs. Talley has won wide recognition for her stunt flying particularly when she was connected with the demonstration department of the Curtiss-Wright company. However, she has temporarily deserted this field for artistic pursuits and we're hopping that she will appear in concert here ere long.

Some time in the near future, Mrs. Talley is expecting as her house guests women well known in aeronautics, Mrs. Frederick Ames, of Boston, and Mrs. Cora Adams, of New York. Mrs. Ames is an auto racer and has driven in big meets in Mexico. She also has a navigator's license and frequently pilots her own yacht. Then, this spring she gave a piano concert  in town hall, New York, with such success that it secured for her a concert tour abroad next season.

Mrs. Adams recently made a journey here from Germany on the initial trip of the new Zeppelin, "Von Hindenburg," and Mrs. Talley went to New York to greet her upon arrival.
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Out at Patterson field, Captain Tulley and his wife, [[underlined]] Manilla Talley [[/underlined]], have been entertaining a well known dance artist, Miss Phyllis Sequeira, known on stage as Felice Fara.

Miss Sequeira, who has the important post of head of the dance department of the New England Conservatory of Music in Boston, stopped here en route home from Hollywood, where she took important part in several musical extravaganzas - films which we will see next season.

She inherits her talents from a line of accomplished musicians, Her father, David Sequeira is ranked as one of Spain's leading concert pianists. He has appeared as soloist with the Boston Symphony orchestra, and at present is concertizing on the continent.  Miss Sequeira's uncle, Charles Dennee is a composer as well as a concert pianist, and too is on the faculty at the Boston Conservatory.

The visitor had a pleasant time at the military post and was the center of much attention. Pretty, petite and graceful, with dark hair and fair skin she is. Mrs. Talley, who is a very talented musician herself, attracts such interesting visitors.
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APRIL 9, 1936

Women Pilots Will Fly Here
Members of "99", Organized by Amelia Earhart, to Name Officers.

Licensed women pilots of Ohio will meet Saturday at Elm Gables for the first official meeting of the southern Ohio division of "99", recently formed unit of Amelia Earhart's famed women flyers' organization.

The unit was formed at a meeting win Columbus a month ago, has been recognized by the national organization, and will elect officers at this fist meeting, it was revealed Wednesday by Ernestine Breisch, Dayton attorney and licensed pilot.

Outstanding women flyers from all parts of Ohio, are expected to  attend the meeting, arriving to attend the meeting, arriving by plane at Municipal airport, Vandalia, early Saturday. Dayton's five women aviators who possess pilot's licenses - [[underlined]] Mrs. M. Davis Talley [[/underlined]], Nedra Lewellan, Bernice Batten, Mrs. Ione Coppedge, and Miss Breisch - will act as hostesses to the visitors.

Included among those who will attend the Dayton meeting are Irene Crum, who recently established a woman's altitude record for single-;lace light planes, and 16-year-old Ruth Mays, who is said to be one of the youngest licensed pilots in the United States.
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Aviatrix Will Be Speaker at Aeronautical Group's "Guest Day."

A program of unusual interest has been planned for the "Guest Day" luncheon of the Women's Aeronautical society which is to be given Tuesday at Runnymede Playhouse.

Mrs. [[underlined]] B.B. Talley [[/underlined]], of Fountain Lodge, who is a pilot of national prominence, will be the speaker and will relate personal experiences which she has had as an aviatrix and also describe the activities of various organizations for women pilots.

Lieutenant and Mrs. Talley came to this city recently from Fort Schuyler, New York, where the former was stationed. Lieutenant Talley has been transferred to Wright Field.

Mrs. Talley, who flies under the name "Manila Davis," is a native of Flatwoods, W. Va., and is the first woman to hold a department of commerce flying license in that state. Now she holds the F.A.I. license, which is the international racing license; the amateur sporting license, and National Aeronautical association sporting license. She is a member of the Sportsmen Pilots association and flew in the first derby of this organization, which took place in 1931 from the Long Island Aviation Country club to the Cleveland National Air races.

Mrs. Talley holds membership in the Long Island Aviation Country club, the National Airmail Pilots association and "Ninety-Nine." the national girl pilots flying club, and she is commander of the Fifth area of the Betsy Ross Corps. She flies her own airplane, a silver stunt biplane.

At the conclusion of the luncheon and talk Tuesday members of the Aeronautical society will enjoy various social diversions during the remainder of the afternoon.

The many friends of Mrs. B.B. Talley, of Patterson field, will be interested to hear that she will leave April 17th for a several week's sojourn in Boston, Mass.

[[underlined]] Mrs. Talley is going east to study with one of the members of the Boston Symphony [[/underlined]] orchestra. She is an accomplished pianist and formerly studied for the concert stage.
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Social Notes

In compliment to Mrs. John Bradley Greene (Gertrude Chase), of Runnymede road, Mrs. B.B. Talley and Mrs. Benjamin S. Kelsey of Paterson field, will entertain at a luncheon Tuesday at the Officers' club on the post.
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