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[[caption]] Mrs. Robert Goolrick, whose husband, Lieut. Colonel Goolrick is commanding officer of Wright field, is co-chairman of the hostess committee arranging social affairs during the air meet. (Cornwell) [[/caption]]
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Authority to Stage Local Event Sought of U. S. Department of Commerce.

Plans for an all-women air meet at Dayton Municipal airport, Vandalia, August 4 and 5, will be completed this week at a meeting of the executive committee of the Dayton chapter, National Women's Aeronautical society.

The meet, conceived by [[underlined]] Manila Davis, [[/underlined]] well-known pilot and wife of Lieutenant B. B. Talley, of Wright field, is expected to attract many of the country's famous women flyers.

The tentative program calls for a 50-mile closed race, the feature event; spot landings, deadstick landings, altitude record flight, balloon bursting and "comic" race.
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Prominent Women to Serve on Committees During Air Programs
Women's Aeronautical Association of America and Ninety-Nine Are Sponsors of Outstanding Meet Here

WITH Dayton noted throughout the world as the birthplace of aviation, it is indeed appropriate that the most important women's aeronautical meet ever staged in this country should occur here.  Dayton also has significant interest to the air-minded public, owing to the fact that the president of the Women's Aeronautical Association of America, Mrs. George Shaw Greene, is one of this city's most promient residents.

The local unit of the national organization has been busy for many weeks with the varied and intricate details of promoting the coming program, which opens Friday with the annual meeting and continues with the National Air Races on Saturday and Sunday at the Dayton Municipal Airport.

The Dayton unit also boasts two other officers of national importance, Mrs. Marguerite Jacobs Heron, who is national secretary, and Mrs. George N. Lingham, who is Ohio governor.

Joint sponsor of the air races here is the Ninety-Nine, an exclusive organization of licensed women pilots. Mrs. Margaret Perry Cooper of New York City and California, national president of this group, will arrive here to participate in a number of the flying events.

The races will open at 2 o'clock Saturday afternoon with a "Free-for-All Handicap" and at 3 o'clock a "Precision Landing Contest" is scheduled. An "Aerobatic Contest" and a "Parachute Jumping Contest" will conclude the afternoon's program.

Sunday afternoon's events open with a "Barrier Landing Contest" at 2 o'clock. A "Bomb Dropping Contest" is the next feature, with a "Free-for-All Handicap" following. A "Parachute Jumping Contest" will be the concluding event. With stakes totalling thousands of dollars, the races are attracting the foremost women flyers in this country and scores of interested persons in the community are anticipating some of the most spectacular flying ever staged in this section.

A number of Dayton's most prominent women are working for the success of the coming meet.  Miss Martha Smith, president of the local aeronautical association, has the responsible post of executive chairman. Mrs. Louise Barlow Heikes is serving as general chairman for all social activities during the three-day program here. She has appointed as her honorary chairmen Mrs. H. E. Talbott and Mrs. John Bradley Greene. Mrs. Marguerite Jacobs Heron and Mrs. Robert C. Austin will be assistant chairmen.

Mrs. Robert Goolrick and Mrs. Frederich H. Coleman are co-chairmen of the hostess committee to serve at all functions and Mrs. Henry Conger Pratt is honorary chairman. Assisting them will be Mrs. Carl P. Hirsch, Mrs. A. T. Knoderer, Mrs. Greer Schenck, Mrs. H. G. Woodward, Mrs. Wilfred I. Ohmer, Mrs. George B. Holloman, Mrs. J. F. Early.
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