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Miss Helen Richey Given First Place in Women's Air Event by Judges.

Helen Richey, of McKeesport, Pa., co-holder with the late Frances Harrell of the world's endurance flight record for women, Monday afternoon was awarded first prize of $1,000 cash in the 50-mile feature race of the Women's National Air meet. Held Sunday at Dayton municipal airport.

Miss Richey was declared winner by the contest committee, headed by L. Luzern Custer, when that group disqualified Edna M. Gardner, "flying nurse" from Washington, D.C., upon the protest of Annette Gipson, Garden City, Long Island.
Miss Gardner finished first and Miss Richey finished second in the race. Miss Gipson claimed Miss Gardner fouled her at the first pylon of the last lap and witnessing judges upheld her protest. 

Miss Gardner has the privilege of appealing within 15 days to the contest committee of the National Aeronautical association at Washington, protesting her disqualification. 

Unless the N. A. A. overrules the decision of the committee, here, the winners, with their prizes, will stand as follows: 

Miss Richey, $1,000; Alma Arlene Davis, Cleveland, $500; Gladys O'Donnell, Long Beach, Calif., $250; Helen MacCloskey, Pittsburgh, $150, and Ruth Barron Nason, Rochester, N.Y., $100.
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Scene of National Women's Air Meet in Dayton
[[image - black & white aerial photograph of airfield]]

[[image - map of triangular race layout]]
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The upper photograph pictured here is an aerial view of Dayton municipal airport, Vandalia, scene of the Women's National Air meet next Saturday and Sunday. The chart below shows the course of the 50-mile free-for-all handicap race, in which $2,000, merchandise and trophies will be awarded. The racers will circle the 10-mile course five times. 
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Guests to be Entertained at Runnymede During Late Summer.

Interesting visitors at Runneymede during August and September will be Mrs. Alfred W. Jones and children of Sea Island Beach, Ga., who will arrive August 5 to be guests of Mrs. Jones' mother, Mrs. H. E. Talbott. Mr. Jones will join his family later in the summer. 

Mrs. Frederich M. Thayer of Philadelphia is expected here early next week for a brief visit with her mother, Mrs. Talbott.
In compliment to her daughter, Mrs. George Shaw Greene, who returned Friday after a summer trip abroad, Mrs. Talbott is entertaining at tea in the gardens at Runneymede on Monday afternoon. Guests will be members of the social activities committees for the coming air meet in Dayton next weekend. Mrs. Greene is president of the Women's Aeronautical association of America, and will preside at the meeting of that organization here next Friday. 
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