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15th- Elizabeth Ann Berry the fifteenth child of William Berry married John Heater and lived where the village of Heaters now stands. Their children's names were:
William Wirt Heater. Never Married.
Benajmin Heater married first Margaret Carper and second Emma McCartney.
Chas. B. Heater married Betty Sprigg.
Madora J. Heater married Thos. Cunningham.
Lea Ann Heater married N. G. Singleton.
Sophrona Heater married John H. Long.
Rebecca Heater married Jake Huffman.
* * *
16th- Allen S. Berry the, sixteenth child of William Berry, married Rebecca McCauley Alkire and lived on Berry Fork. Their children's names were:
William Berry married Valeria Hays.
Charles Berry never married. Died in military prison during civil war at Elmira, N.Y.
Homer Berry married Frances Harl.
Emory A. Berry married Phoebe Gibson.
David A. Berry married first Martha Powers and second Amanda Sprigg.
Joel Berry never married.
John C. Berry married Naomi Loyd.
Rachel Berry and an unnamed twin sister both died in infancy.
Agnes Melissa Berry married John E. Heater.
Cynthia Berry never married.
Margaret E. Berry married first F. J. Baxter and second John Andy Grose.
* * *
17th- Washington H. Berry, the seventeenth, child of William Berry married Agnes Cunningham. Their children's names were:
William Hanson Berry married in Indiana.
J. Lee Berry married Mary Bosely.
Dexter Berry never married.
Dorsey Berry married Anna Eagan.
William Berry died in childhood.
Mary Berry married John Q. Haymond.
Jane Berry married George Cunningham.
Ella Berry married George Armstrong. 
* * *
18th- Lucinda Berry, the eighteenth child of William Berry, Sr., married Wilson Cutlip and their children's names were:
William N. Cutlip married Mahala Singleton.
Joel Cutlip married Meda Gochenour.
James E. Cutlip married Maude Lambert.
Jno. M. Cutlip married Fanny Davis.
Abel H. Cutlip married Catherine Boyles.
Samuel Cutlip never married. 
Lizzie Cutlip married William J. Perrine.
Catherine Cutlip married Absalom Toler.
Verna Cutlip married "Bunk" Bosley.
Jane Cutlip married Archa Rutherford. 
Theodocia Cutlip never married.
Louisa Cutlip died in infancy.
* * *
19th- An infant child, being the nineteenth child of William Berry, Sr., died unnamed.

It will be observed that every child of William Berry, Sr., who reared children, named their oldest son William. 

The foregoing does not purport to be an absolutely correct record of the names of the children and grandchildren of William Berry, Sr., but is such a one as could be established by the writer.

William Berry was an educated man for the day in which he lived and Sutton's history of Braxton county lists him as the first school teacher in the county. He was a tanner and the large stone with which the bark was ground may still be seen near the primitive tannery on Berry Fork. He also practiced medicine, using the simple formulas of his day.

Braxton county was formed in 1836 and in that year he was charged with two tracts of land on Salt Lick Creek. The record does not show from whom he acquired the land. He purchased 400 acres in the year 1840 from John Evans and Gilly C. Evans and the deed recites that this tract was first sold to John F. Singleton, who was the original settler of that name in the Salt Lick country but for some reason, possibly by a purchase from Singleton, the deed was made direct to William Berry as above outlined. The records also disclose that one George Berry owned 250 acres of land about the time of the foundation of Braxton county which he conveyed to Adam Given in the year 1849. The deed gives George Berry's residence as being in Lee County, Iowa. Whether or not this George Berry was a relative of William Berry, Sr., the writer is unable to determine. 

I trust that the different members of the family will each be a committee of one to get together additional information about the family, its antecedents and all its ramifications.

All of which is respectfully submitted.
Sutton, W. Va.

Sutton, Braxton County, West Virginia
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W.F. Morrison, 92, Served 28 Years As A Bank Director

Mr. Morrison Asked to Be Relieved as a Director of Home National Bank and His Son Elected to Place

When the stockholders of the Home National Bank of Sutton held their annual meeting, Tuesday, W. F. Morrison, 92, who has been a member of the board of directors for more than 28 years asked to be relieved of his duties and his son, J. T. B. Morrison, was elected to the place. Other members of the board are G. B. Fisher, [[ink underlined]] C. C. Davis, [[/ink underlined]] W. E. Marple, Will Fisher, B. S. Berry and C. F. Engle.

Officers are G. B. Fisher, president; C. C. Davis, vice president; A. L. Morrison, cashier; M. B. James, assistant cashier and W. C. Baxter, teller.

Bank officials report a satisfactory year.
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U. D. C. Met With Mrs. Baughman
The United Daughters of the Confederacy met at the home of Mrs. J. E. Baughman, on Tuesday evening, June 4th, for their regular monthly meeting. 

The meeting was called to order by the president, Mrs. Kate C. Hall. The ritual was read followed by prayer.

The meeting was open for discussion of old and new business. Letters were read and discussed by the treasurer, Mrs. Baughman. It was decided to send some cards and a flower to our sick members. 

The program committee did not have a program prepared, so the meeting adjourned for the social hour.

The flower vases were filled with lovely roses and other flowers.

Delicious refreshments were served to Mrs. Kate C. Hall, [[ink underlined]] Mrs. C. C. Davis, [[/ink underlined]] Miss Irene Canfield, Mrs. Earl Johnston, Mrs. Steve Berry, Mrs. Lee Rader, Mrs. Oldham Berry, Mrs. Hal Boggs, Mrs. Mary Pullen, and the hostess Mrs. Baughmann.
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The E.D. Camden chapter of the Daughters of the Confederacy was reorganized Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Will Fisher by electing Mrs. Kate Camden Hall, daughter of Captain Camden for whom the chapter was named, as president. The chapter has been inactive for severl years and Mrs. R. M. Thomason, state president, of Clarksburg was here to help with the reorganization. Other officers named were Mrs. Fred Lorentz, first vice president; Mrs. Earl Johnston, second vice president; Mrs. C. C. Davis, third vice president; Mrs. Ed Baughman, trasurer; Mrs. Mary Pullen, secretary; Mrs. M. T. Morrison, historian, and Mrs. C. M. Byrne, registrar.

Those present who will make up the membership were Mrs. S. A. Fleming, Mrs. H. S. Brown, Mrs. Steve Berry, [[ink underlined]] Mrs. C. C. Davis, [[/ink underlined]] Mrs. Earle Johnston, Mrs. Will Fisher, Mrs. Nelle Berry, Mrs. Frank Duffield, Mrs. C. M. Byrne, Mrs. Fred Lorentz, Mrs. J. E. Cutlip, Miss Irene Canfield, Mrs. Deck Richards, Mrs. Lee Rader. Mrs Paul McNeil and Mrs. N. H. Davidson, of Clarksburg, were guests. Following the business session, refreshments were served.
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Rotary Club Is Host To Football Squad
C. N. Hill Presided and Program Was In Charge of Ernie Harris.--Coach Davis Presented the Team

The Sutton high school football squad were honor guests of the Rotary club at a turkey dinner served at the Masonic hall, Wednesday evening of last week. Places were laid for 41, including Coach Davis and his team, Rotary members, [[ink underlined]] Mrs. Claude Davis [[/ink underlined]] and [[ink underlined]] Mrs. Howard Davis, [[/ink underlined]] mother and wife of the coach.

C. N. Hill presided and the program was in charge of Ernie Harris. Coach Davis talked and presented the team. Ralph Barley, a senior, spoke for the team and Edward Swint spoke for the Rotary club.
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Transcription Notes:
this page is a duplicate of page 23