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Invoice No. ^[[873]]
Date ^[[Oct. 31, 1929]]
Your Ord. No. [[blank line]]
Our Ord. No. [[blank line]]
Shipped Via [[blank line]]
Terms [[blank line]]

^[[Miss Manila Davis
   36 Addington Rd.,
   Brookline, Mass.]]

[[6 column table]]
   |   ||   ||   | Description |   | Amount

10/7 | 831E | 5 | min. Dual |   | 2.50

  10 | 9733 | 30 | " [[ditto for min.]] Dual |   | 15.00

  11 | 831E | 15 | " [[ditto for min.]] Dual |   | 7.50

  12 | 320H | 35 | " [[ditto for min.]] Dual |   | 17.50

  12 | " [[ditto for 320H]] | 5 | " [[ditto for min.]] Solo |  | 2.08

  14 | " [[ditto for 320H | 55 | " [[ditto for min.]] Dual |   | 27.50

  16 | " [[ditto for 320H]] | 20 | " [[ditto for min.]] Dual |   | 10.00

  19 | " [[ditto for 320H]] | 20 | " [[ditto for min.]] Dual |   | 10.00

  21 | 831E | 30 | " [[ditto for min.]] Dual |   | 15.00

  11 | 831E | 30 | " [[ditto for min.]] Dual |   | 15.00

[[tally line]]
   |   ||   ||   ||   | $122.08

^[[May, June, July, Aug. $217.50
                   Sept.  260
                    Oct.  122.08
[[tally line]]     _____________
Less [[?]]                455. -
Amount due               $144.58]]

   In full today
   [[signature]] F.D. Pawney [?] [/signature]]

[[newspaper clipping]]

The Flying Man's Week

[[image - flying emblem]]

Wind Tunnel Popular at Airport
The test model wind tunnel in the reception room of he Curtiss-Wright hangar has proved popular among visitors to the airport. Curtiss attaches have expressed their opinion that it is far easier to explain and also to demonstrate with the model plane than with the actual planes. Visitors who show advanced knowledge of the airplane are allowed to fly the model themselves.

[[underlined in red]] Manila Davis [/underlined in red]], in charge of women activities for Curtiss, is now taking stunting instruction with Adolph Backstrom in Curtiss Fledglings. Saturday afternoon was spent in the execution of lops and barrel rolls.
[/newspaper clipping]]

[[newspaper clipping]]
The Pitcairn Sport Mailwing owned by Dr. Richard Light, surgeon at the Peter Bent Brigham Hospital, has attracted considerable attention at the airport. It is equipped with a Wright Whirlwind engine and a N.A.C.A. cowling and carries two passengers and pilot. Light keeps hi plane at the Curtis hanger.

Curtiss planes were in the air a total of 70 hours and 30 minutes during the past week. Flying by days: Monday, 375 minutes; Tuesday, 450 minutes; Wednesday, 835 minutes; Thursday, 185 minutes; Friday, 225 minutes; Saturday, 1240 minutes; Sunday, 920 minutes.
[/newspaper clipping]]

[[image - airplane parked on ground]]

[[note and newspaper clipping]]
Manilla Davis has been appointed to the sales force of Curtiss-Wright Flying Service, Boston, Mass.
Appeared in the ^[[ [[stamped]] FEB 1 1930 [[/stamped]] ]] Issue of 
The Trade Journal of Commercial Aviation
1265 Broadway, New York, N.Y.
[/note and newspaper clipping]]

Transcription Notes:
duplicate of page 58