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Seven Women Fliers Take to Air

[[image - photograph of 7 women aviators standing next to biplane]]
(Photo by A.P. Boston Traveler.)
Seven women pilots took to the air over New York in the interests of the Salvation Army's drive for a $1,690,000 relief fund. Col. William H. Barrett of the Salvation Army and the women pilots are shown standing beside one of the planes at Floyd Bennett field, Long Island. Left to right, Col. Barrett, Mrs. Maurice Ames of Boston, Laura Morgan, [[underlined]] Manila Davis [[/underlined]], Althea Murphy, Mrs. John T. Remey, Mary Gawthrop and Mrs. Opal Kunz.
[[/newspaper clipping]]

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SUNDAY, MAY 22, 1932
Women Fliers in Sky 'Raid' Aid Salvation Army's Appeal

Balloon "bombs" bearing information about the Salvation Army's $1,090,000 appeal for funds to continue its emergency relief were rained upon New Yorkers yesterday by a fleet of fifteen airplanes led by the Betsy Ross Corps of women fliers.

The planes assembled at Floyd Bennett Field, where the aviators were welcomed by Lieut. Col. William H. Barrett, principal of the Salvation Army training college, and the cadets' band.  At 2:15 P.M. the fleet took off and headed for the Empire State Building, dropping colored balloons bearing United Appeal information.

Mrs. John T. Remey, commander of the Betsy Ross Corps, led the parade of planes.  Others in the organization who participated were Mrs. Opal Kunz, Mrs. Maurice Ames of Boston, [[underlined]] Miss Manila Davis [[/underlined]], Miss Althea Murphy, Miss Laura Morgan and Miss Mary Gawthrop. Miss Jesamine Goddard accompanied the corps in her own plane. The planes of the Betsy Ross Corps bore on their under wings signs about the appeal.

Three planes from the Forty-fourth Division Aviation, New Jersey National Guard, piloted by Major Robert L. Copsey, Lieutenant Leon Hoffman and Lieutenant E.M. Dixon, and three machines from the Twenty-seventh Division Aviation, New York National Guard, piloted by Major L.H. Brower, Lieutenant William H. Hooker and Lieutenant Byron Gates, also participated in the demonstration.  The fliers were escorted over the city by to New York City police planes, piloted by Otto Kafka and Quelle Friedman.

After circling over Manhattan the fliers swung over the Bronx, Queens and Brooklyn, loosing the "bombs."
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Pilot Aviation Show

[[image - photograph of Margery Brown, Francis Marsalia, Bettie Gillies and Manila Davis in full flight gear]]

WOMEN FLIERS gather - A few of feminine pilots at Woman's Aviation Fashion Show at Hotel Biltmore. Left to right: Mrs. Margery Brown, Mrs. Francis Marsalia, Mrs. Betty Gillies and [[underlined]] Manila Davis. [[/underlined]]
[[/newspaper clipping]]

[PAGE 65]

Transcription Notes:
duplicate of page 73