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BETTY HUYLER GILLIES – Her hubby will divide his attention today between the young Garden City matron in the air and their youngster on the ground.  Mrs. Gillies will be at the controls of a Waco.

JESSAMINE GODDARD – Manhattan girl flyer, best known to her intimates as "Tiny."  Another protege of Art Bussy's who made good, especially on contests for spot landings and stunt flying.  She has hundreds of hours to her credit, has flown to every important city in the United States, and has won several cross-country races.  When her speedy Monocoupe gets under way today it will carry plenty of Hangar Three money.

HELEN McCLOSKEY - A Pittsburgh miss, who was finishing up at Columbia University a few years ago for her M. A. degree, when she decided to sprout wings.  At Flushing airport she took lessons from Arthur Bussy, now the president of United Air Service, Inc., at Bennett Field, and when she returned to the family hearth a short time later she possessed a pilot's license as well as her degre.  Has won several important races and hopes to repeat today in her Monocoupe.

PEGGY REMEY – Still another Social Registerite who lives in Manhattan and is a prominent member of the Aviation Country Club at Hicksville, L. I.  At the controls of a Travelaire today.
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[[newspaper clipping]]
Second Annual Annette Gibson Cup Event;  Amelia Earhart Official Starter

NEW YORK, May 30 (I.N.S.).  Twenty-three of the nation's best known women airplane pilots will take off this afternoon in the second annual Annette Gipson all-women air race, from Bennett Field to Curtis Airport, over a 40-mile Long Island course.

Latest entrant was Henrietta Sumner, who flew from Los Angeles to compete.

Amelia Earhart Putnam, only women to fly the Atlantic Ocean unaccompanied, will start the race with Ruth R. Nichols, society aviatrix, acting as chief scorer.

Entrants include Viola Gentry, making a "come back" after an absence of several years from flying competition;  Edith Descomb, of Hartford, Conn.;  Laura Ingalls, Garden City, N. Y.;  Johanna Busse, Washington;  Annette Gipson, Athens, Ga.;  Mary Moore Sansom, Hartford;  Peggy Remey, New York;  Helen Richey, Pittsburgh;  Manila C. Davis, Flatwoods, W. Va.;  Elinor Smith, Freeport, N. Y.;  Helen MacCloskey, Pittsburgh;  Frances Marsalie, Valley Stream, N. Y.;  Alma A. Davis, Cleveland;  Jessamine Goddard, New York, and Cecil W. Kenyon, Wabam, Mass.
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18 Women to Soar Today At Amelia Earhart's 'Go!'

[[image - photograph of 7 women]]
(By Acme)
[[caption]] Entrants in the all-women air race.  Seated (l. to r.):  Evelyn P. DeSeversky, Manhattan;  Annette Gipson, sponsor of race, Henrietta Sumner, Los Angeles.  Standing (l. to r.): Malinda C. Davis, Flatwoods, W. Va.;  Fleur De Lys Scheer, Brooklyn;  Viola Gentry, Brooklyn and Marjorie Ludwigsen, Brooklyn. [[/caption]]

Eighteen entrants have signed to start in the second annual Annette Gipson All-Women Air Race at Floyd Bennett Airport this afternoon.

The price for the winner will be a check for $850 and the distance will be approximately forty miles.  The course is a line from Floyd Bennett Field across Queens to Sky Harbor-Curtis Airport, around the pylon and back.

Six States are represented.  The planes will be started by Amelia Earhart.  Ruth R. Nichols will be chief scorer.
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MAY 30, 1933

Hail Ladies of the Airways!  Fair Flyers Pit Skill Today In Annual All-Women Classic

WHEN 222 ladybirds face Amelia Earhart's starting flag at the local flying pasture today, their ranks will be recruited from girls in many walks of life.  Stenographers and secretaries, social registerites and nurses, housewives and mothers–all these sisterhoods are represented in the Annette Gipson classic.

[[image - photograph of Amelia Earhart (Starter)]]
[[image - photograph of Ruth Nichols (Scorer)]]
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[PAGE 129]

Transcription Notes:
duplicate of page 139