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[[newspaper clipping]]
Peggy Remey
Helen Richey
Laura B. Harney
Helen MacCloskey
Alma Aline Davis
Fleur de Lys Scheer
Betty H. Marsalis
Evelyn P. de Seversky
[[/newspaper clipping]]

[[newspaper clipping]]
The following were guests of Miss Annette Gipson at a theatre party in Manhattan in honor of the women flyers in the air race last Sunday; Major and Mrs. Alex P. de Seversky, Miss Viola Gentry, Jack Warren, Miss Fleur de Lys Scheer, Mrs. Floyd Bennett, Miss Jessie Chamberlin, Gerald D. McClean, Hugh Copeland, Jack Biship, Mrs. Hank Miller, Major J. Nelson Kelly, Miss Pearl M. Pellaton, Roger Q. Williams, Miss Helen Richey, Miss Telly Kenyon, Miss Francis Marsalis, Miss Henrietta Sumner, [[underlined]] Miss Manila Davis [[/underlined]] and Irving Strouse.

[PAGE 33]

JUNE 4, 1933 

[[newspaper clipping]]
Penna. Woman Flier Takes Solo Air Tour of N.Y. On Eve of Big Race Today - Gets 'Traffic' Ticket.

[[image group photo of 7 women]]
Left to right: [[underlined]] Malinda C. Davis [[/underlined]], Evelyn P. De Seversky, Fleur de Lys Scheer, Annette Gipson, Viola Gentry, Henriette Sumner and Marjorie B. Ludwigsen, who are among the entrants in today's all women air race.

New York, June 3,-(AP)- Miss Helen Richey, of McKeesport, Pa., an entrant in tomorrow's all-women air race, flew over the city to see what it looked like from the air today and wondered why another plane followed her everywhere.

She found out when she landed at North Beach Airport. The other plane landed, too. Its pilot, Patrolman Otto A. Kafka, Jr., leaped out and handed her a traffic ticket. Charge: flying only 700 feet above Coney Island Beach.
[[/newspaper clipping]]

Transcription Notes:
this page is a duplicate of page 143