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[[image - photograph of two women and a man in front of plane]]
[[caption]] Capt. A. F. Hegenberger and Miss Martha C. Smith, executive committee members, received from Manila Davis Talley the first entry for the $2000 handicap event.  Mrs. Talley is the wife of Lieut. B. B. Talley of Wright Field. [[/caption]]

Details of the events in the Women's National Air Meet at the Dayton Municipal airport at Vandalia Saturday and Sunday, Aug. 4 and 5, were announced Saturday by Miss Martha C. Smith, president of the Dayton Women's Aeronautical association.

The meet will open Saturday at 2 p. m. with a free-for-all handicap race for a total of $175 prizes and a trophy donated by the Dayton Rubber Co.  It is to be one lap over an approximately 20-mile triangular course.  The second event, at 3 p. m., is a precision landing contest, with $100 prizes and a trophy donated by the Pratt-Whitney Aircraft Corp.  The throttle is to be closed at 1000 feet and the landing nearest the flag, using brakes, will win.

At 4 p.m. an aerobatic contest for the Sohio trophy and #365 in prizes is planned. The maneuvers include three successive loops, a spin of three turns, and two wo the following - snap roll, slow roll or half role out of loop. The final event Saturday, the women's parachute jumping contest at 5 p.m., is for a total of $80. Jumps must be from not less that 1500 feet, landing near as possible a certain mark.

The opening event Sunday afternoon will be a barrier landing contest, at 2 p.m., for prizes totaling $100 and a trophy donated by the Women's National Aeronautical association, which with the Ninety Nines is sponsoring the meet. The planes will land over a 25-foot barrier, cutting the motor at 1000 feet, the plane tail coming to nearest the barrier the winner. A bomb dropping contest at 3 p.m. is for $100 in prizes and a trophy donated by The Dayton Daily News. Each contestant will get two one-pound bags of flour to be dropped from between 300 and 500 feet at a mark.

The free-for-all handicap race at 4 p.m. is the principal event, and is for a total of $2000 prizes and a Sperry artificial horizon, a blind flying instrument. The distance is 50 miles, with pylons, and any type of craft is eligible. The final event, a parachute jumping contest at 5 p.m., duplicates the jumping event of Saturday.

Mrs. Manila Talley, wife of Lieut. B.B. Talley of Wright Field, Saturday held the honor of being the first flier to file an entry for the $2000 handicap race, a feature of the race meeting. The entry was received by Capt. A.F. Hegenberger of Wright Field and Miss Martha Smith, members of the executive committee.
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[[newspaper clipping]]
Poster Contest Arranged to Adverise Women's Air Meet
Cash Awards and Theater Tickets Will Reward Those Turning in Best Pictures.
A poster contest arranged to advertise the air races which are to take place at the Vandalia airport, August 3-5, under the co-direction of the Women's Aeronautical association and the Ninety-Nine, is being given under the sponsorship of the Dayton Herald.

Noted women pilots from the United States and Canada are to assemble in Dayton, August 3, for the aeronautical event. August 4 will see the opening of the races and August 5 the events will be brought to a close.

Mrs. George Shaw Green of Runnymede road is president of the Women's Aeronautical association and Mrs. Margaret Perry Cooper is president of the Ninety-Nine, exclusive organization of licensed women pilots. Miss Martha Smith of "Hollycroft," president of the Dayton Women's Aeronautical society is chairman of the executive committee.

Well-known women pilots who may participate in the air meet are Margaret Perry Cooper, Ruth Nichols, [[pencil underlined]] Manila Davis [/pencil underlined]], Laura Ingalls, Amelia Earhart, Gladys O'Donnell, Louise Haden and Dorothy Hester.

One main air race and a series of lesser ones, as well as stunting, are included in the tentative program for this amateur sporting meet.

Twelve prizes will be accorded to those who make the best posters advertising the Aeronautical races. Prize awards are to be as follows: first, $7; second, $5; third, $3; fourth $2; fifth, sixth and seventh, $1 each; eighth, a pair of tickets to the aviation meet. The four final award winners will each be given a pair of tickets to Dayton moving picture shows: Victory, Keith's Colonial and Loew's.

Posters entered by contestants must be placed with the Aeronautical Poster Contest Editor, on or before July 10. All suitable posters ae to be displayed by merchants.

Posters entered by the contestants must bear the essential information, "Aeronautical Races, August 3-5, Vandalia Airport." All other information is to be used at the discretion of the contesting artist.

Posters may be in black or white colors. They are to be 14 by 20 inches in size.
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[[red ribbon]]
AUG 4-5
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Transcription Notes:
Duplicate of page 226