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[[newspaper clipping]]
JULY 16, 1934
First Entry in Women's Air Race
[[image: photo of a man and two women aviators standing in front of plane]]
[[caption: Capt. A.F. Hagenberger, Manila Davis Talley, Martha C. Smith]]

Captain A.F. Hagenberger and Martha C. Smith, members of the executive committee, are pictured receiving the first entry from [[pencil underlined]] Manila Davis Talley [/pencil underlined]] (right) for the $2,000 handicap race of the Women's National Air meet on Aug. 4 and 5 at Dayton Municipal airport, Vandalia.

Mrs. Talley, wife of Lieutenant B.B. Talley, of Wright field entered on Friday, the 13th, and requested No. 13 for her number in the face.
[[newspaper clipping]]

[[newspaper clipping]]
WOMAN ENTERS $2,000 AIR RACE - The first woman to enter $2,000 handicap event Aug. 14 as part of the women's aviation meet at Dayton, O., is [[pencil underlined]] Manila Davis [/pencil underlined]], right, who is handling her application to Capt. A.F. Hegenberger and Martha C. Smith, of the executive committee. Any type of plane is eligible for the 50-mile free-for-all.
[/newspaper clipping]]

[[newspaper clipping]]
WOMAN ENTERS $2,000 AIR RACE - The first woman to enter $2,000 handicap event Aug. 14 as part of the women's aviation meet at Dayton, O., is [[pencil underlined]] Manila Davis [/pencil underlined]], right, who is handling her application to Capt. A.F. Hegenberger and Martha C. Smith, of the executive committee. Any type of plane is eligible for the 50-mile free-for-all.
[/newspaper clipping]]

[[newspaper clipping]]
[[image: photo of a man and two women aviators standing in front of plane]]

Capt. A.F. Hegenberger and Martha Smith, executive committee members, receive first entry from [[pencil underlined]] Manila Davis Talley [/pencil underlined]] for $2,000 event in Dayton, O., in August.
[/newspaper clipping]]

^[[PAGE 217]]

Transcription Notes:
duplicate of page 234