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[[newspaper clipping]]
Monday, May 11, 1942 

Female Invasion Of Skyways Seen By Woman Pilot

Not content with taking men's places in defense factories and other civilian jobs, women soon will be invading the skies on semi-military duties, Mrs. M. D. Talley of Anchorage, Alaska, predicted in Denver yesterday.

Mrs. Talley, whose husband is a lieutenant colonel in Alaska, cited enlistment of women in the Civilian Air Patrol (of which she became a member soon after her arrival recently in Denver) in support of her prediction.

[[image - photograph of Mrs. M. D. Talley]]

She won her private pilot's license in 1928 and has flown in sportsmen flying meets from coast to coast.

Mrs. Talley was a member of the CAP in Alaska, but returned to the States with the belief her flying experience would be of more use here.  Taking an apartment at 1725 Sherman st., she is now studying for an instrument rating.
[[/newspaper clipping]]

Age  43
Sex  Female
Date  Sept 15
Height  5' 2 1/2"
Eyes  blue
Hair  Light
Weight  107
NO. 2092
R. M. MILLS, City Clerk.

Amount Paid $2.00
No. 4905
Name  Manila Davis Talley
Address  Anchorage, Ala.
Date of Issue  Sept. 15, 1941
Place Issued  Anchorage
Date of Expiration  Dec. 31, 1942
Signature of Operator  Manila Davis Talley
Issuing Officer  Agnes Tucker

[[image - print of man on skis]]
Anchorage Ski Club


1.  When the bombs start dropping, run like hell.
(a)  Track shoes are suggested, as they will aid you in getting over the other people and put you right in front.
(b)  If bomb does not explode, pick it up and shake it hard, the firing pin may have stuck.  In case it then explodes the fireman will straighten up afterwards.

2.  In case incendiary bomb explodes in your house, pour on a pail full of gasoline, this will make a big show.  In case this doesn't satisfy you pour on a pail of water.  (The water coming in contact with the burning bomb causes hydrogen gas which will explode--in fact it will explode with a Helluva crack.

3.  Always start hollering as loud as you can, this will add to the confusion and will scare hell out of the kids.

4.  In case you get hit with a bomb, lie still--You are dead.

5.  Eat plenty of onions, limburger cheese and drink plenty of beer before going into an air raid shelter--this will relieve congestion, which might be otherwise annoying.

6.  In case you are in a building during an air raid, you should take advantage of the following:
(a)  If in a bakery--grab a pie or cake.
(b)  If in a saloon--grab a bottle of whiskey, or at least a short beer.
(c)  If in a movie--grab a blonde.
(d)  If at home--save your skis first you can always get another wife.

7.  If an air raid warden tells you what to do, knock him down--these guys always save the best seats for themselves anyway.

8.  If things get too hot, put your wax in the refrigerator--the dirty Japs might hit the Sports store.

9.  Save dud incendiaries--use them for the coffee fire on ski trips.

Transcription Notes:
duplicate of page 252