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Transcription: [00:22:09]
{SPEAKER name="Michael Asher"}
Uh, a sig-, uh oral-- oral success...

{SPEAKER name="Michael Asher"}
Or success to the heir...

{SPEAKER name="Michael Asher"}
Well the... thats... and thats where he feels that rhyme and rhythm work, is it their success to the [[?]]

{SPEAKER name="Michael Asher"}
What I'm saying is precisely the same thing about- Erwin is that what you see, that perceptional... whatever it is, is a success to the eye.

{SPEAKER name="Michael Asher"}
But, the success to the eye, and this is what [[?]] says about the heir, breaks and cannot deconstruct-

{SPEAKER name="Michael Asher"}
-and cannot make a critical analysis of- because your caught within the pleasure of seeing how it operates- of seeing, uh and it's a euphonic.

{SPEAKER name="Michael Asher"}
It's euphonic.

{SPEAKER name="Michael Asher"}
And so its-- so when you see the beauty to the eye, it obstructs

{SPEAKER name="Michael Asher"}
It obstructs--
{SPEAKER name="Jan Butterfield"}
Well that's what I was talking about the entire time
{SPEAKER name="Michael Asher"}
--any critical
{SPEAKER name="Jan Butterfield"}
[[?]]'s piece.

{SPEAKER name="Michael Asher"}
Okay, well it obstructs
{SPEAKER name="Jan Butterfield"}
That's exactly what I was trying to say because-

{SPEAKER name="Jan Butterfield"}
Because I can't not tell you that that was a plus, on the other hand there was a real loss in that [[?]]

{SPEAKER name="Michael Asher"}
Well I'm sure
{SPEAKER name="Jan Butterfield"}
And I'm trying-- I am trying critically, now, to understand that dual [[?]], that completely separate response.

{SPEAKER name="Jan Butterfield"}
And that's exactly what the-- what I'm trying to deal within that, is that there was not that dialogue going on.

{SPEAKER name="Jan Butterfield"}
We're so caught up in the, in the stardust of it.

{SPEAKER name="Jan Butterfield"}
And it was hard not to be, and thats where I can't fault around that, cause that's what it's out to do.

{SPEAKER name="Jan Butterfield"}
It achieved that 'A plus'

{SPEAKER name="Micheal Asher"}

{SPEAKER name="JanButterfield"}
And I- I feel very strongly about where I make critical judgement is only from within the body of its worth

{SPEAKER name="Michael Asher"}
Well I don't think that- that's success

{SPEAKER name="Michael Asher"}
See, I don't think that's success is a terribly interesting success.

{SPEAKER name="Jan Butterfield"}
Ah, okay now art but now you think about real issues!

{SPEAKER name="Michael Asher"}

{SPEAKER name="Jan Butterfield"}
Okay, well then sure! Okay sure.

{SPEAKER name="Michael Asher"}
I don't-- that's why

{SPEAKER name="Michael Asher"}
That's why I questioned you about the show

{SPEAKER name="Michael Asher"}
And- and, I mean, I should say its a success but, and you, put it uh, you gave it a uh

{SPEAKER name="Michael Asher"}
A qualitative judgement immediately. I'm saying its a success on that level.

{SPEAKER name="Michael Asher"}
I don't think that's an interesting success. I think that theres a much more interesting-