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Transcription: [00:18:00]
He's been a credit to our great commonwealth and a credit to our [[?]] and he'll tell you in just a short minute, Chief Adkins, he's got some[[?]]. At this time it is my great pleasure to [[?]], butter up [[laughter]] [[?]] [[applause]]

Thank you very much. [[?]] Secretary of state, to the distinguished chiefs, [[?]] and to the native american press. It has been my esteemed pleasure to participate today.

[[?]] Being the chairman of the Council on Indian Affairs, he wanted to tell you that he has been working with reference to legislation relating to Indian Affairs for a long time. Introducing legislation.

Having people to often even understand, or to ask, "Why is it necessary?" And he said, "Well, you just vote for it and I'll show you why it's necessary later." And he did.

[[?]] came that he's still here, still championing the cause. I was very pleased to support the legislation which made this [[?]]