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Transcription: [00:22:01]
{SPEAKER name="Governor Walker"}
but that not only are these geographical features but that thosenames represent a rich, and indeed a very valuable, cultural heritage. No man, no state, no place can ever long endure without the appreciation of heritage. A full and complete appreciation of that heritage.
So it's important to all of us to understand and to appreciate the contribution of Virginia's Indians to our society.
It is a part that makes us unique and indeed it reminds of the fact that although we are all part of the fabric of American society, that the individual threads of that fabric are what gives it it's color, it's energy and it's vibrancy. So the contributions of Native Americans will be highlighted in a comprehensive way with the opening of the new [[?]] gallery museum in Jamestown.
I hope very much to be there next fall when that day occurs. Thank you for all the things you have done, I encourage you in all the good work you are doing. Good luck and God bless you.

{SPEAKER name="Helen Rountree "}

Thank you Governor Walker.
We will now be privileged to see Indian dancing done by the [[?]] dancers. It will take place in the center of the circle here.
Are you dancers ready?