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The government announced that they will not limit their support of the Indian people's special occasions.

If provided, a loyal and active support through his appointee, [[?]]. Even if you are [[?]] and use her considerable powers to work on behalf of Virginians.

She has also given her staff, and this staff which had been sorely needed for many years, has enabled the council to make significant progress

This year she has allowed us to obtain attain our first position, permanent position, in the 1988 general assembly. This staff has the support of Virginia [[?]] has made it possible for us to plan a full agenda for the future.

Our future, our future plan includes sponsor state wide powwow. We have talked about this for a long time and for a long time it seemed like a dream. But that dream is really close to approaching reality.

The counsel also will continue to provide information to Virginian students on how they might prepare for college education and how they might obtain financial aide for the institution.

The counsel is working to develop a Director of Information on the federal state and product programs which may be of assistance to Indian people.

The counsel has expelled and working to replace historic landmarks that portray our ancestors in derogatory way.

And also our constant work to increase strong communication [[?]]

In all these ways and others, I believe the council can continue to be an effective advocacy groups for Virginians.

I look forward to working with you in the coming years and for us together finding a [[?]]

I find, I find as Oliver Wendell Holmes said, that the great things in this world is not so much where we stand, as in what direction we are going.

i thank you for this opportunity to share with you several things that