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Transcription: [00:06:00]
{SPEAKER name="Helen Rountree "}
-- to our teenagers, our young people to the Third Way to learn about the way Native Americans contributed to our ancient nation.

So that the culture and heritage will never be lost and so the children of today will, in time, teach their children that they [[?]].

Last year we stood up at this very portico and celebrated Native American Indian Day, and we all decided then that a day was simply not sufficient.

That a week would probably begin to bring to all Virginians the richness of the history, heritage Native Virginians, the first Native Virginians, have given us.

It is my pleasure now to introduce to you the honorable Chief of the tribe [[?]] of Virginia, and to ask each of them to join me in welcoming you. We'll do it at random here. We'll call each chief up to say a few words starting with Leonard Adkins of the Chickahominy Indian tribe.


{SPEAKER name="Chief Leonard Adkins"}
I think this is a great day for all of us.

[[tape interrupted]]
You did, you did. I got carried away.

[[tape continued]]
... family and like many of the chiefs of the [[?]] Thursday, after the State Fair's over with, we'll put up a [[baret ?]] sign [[?]].

But I hope this will be, ah, not a re-educating, but educating process for children and grown-ups for the State of Virginia and [[?]]. Thank you


{SPEAKER name="Helen Rountree "}
Boris Bradly of the East Chickahominy Indian tribe

Transcription Notes:
Changed Leonard Atkins to Adkins (per research); this should be done throughout.