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Transcription: [00:10:00]
{SPEAKER name="Webster Custalow }
[[?]] for everybody. And I hope everyone here today will really enjoy themselves. And go home and sleep and think about tonight. Thank you.

{SPEAKER name="Helen Rountree "}
Our next Chief is Chief Broband of the [[??]] Indian tribe.

{SPEAKER name="Chief of unknown VA tribe"}
I ain't got much to say, [[?]], but I am the chief of the [[?]] tribe. God bless to all. [[?]]

{SPEAKER name="Helen Rountree "}
Chief William [[Loud]] of the [[?]] Indian tribe.

{SPEAKER name="Chief William ?"}
[[inaudible]] Indian reservations. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all who have made this event possible. [[inaudible]]

Transcription Notes:
Webster Custalow of the Mattaponi Indian tribe introduced on page 5