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Transcription: [00:16:00]
[[same male speaker as last clip]]

the people of this great city, our capitol city, [[?]] elected him to [[?]] of the [[?]] with a great deal of dignity, expertise [[?]] not only the people of [[?]] but the people [[?]] of a [[?]]

In 1985 he made his announcement for [[?]] and he ran, and he ran hard. He ran from [[?]] to [[?]]. He ran from Loudon County [[?]] to the North Carolina [[?]]. And everywhere the people of this great continent were impressed with him.

I'm not gonna say nothing [[?]] because he wouldn't want me to do that. He would like me to say that what he's saying before y'all he is the epitome of what can happen to someone in Virginia [[?]] He has been a credit to America