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Ashevill N Carolina
May 19th 1866

Col Clinton A Cilley
Supt B.R.F. & A.L.
Salisbury North Carolina

[[stamp: The National Archives of the United States]]


Again I must trouble you for your advice in regard to matters which I have no orders governing notwithstanding I use my own judgment in some cases there are others which I would rather have your decision on.

1st when children has no parents living and are under 14 years of age can I bind them out to parties.  [[underlined]] Yes. [[/underlined]]

2d  Will the written consent of a Parents do in case they are so far off that it is impossible for them to be present.  [[underlined]]  Yes.  [[/underlined]]

3rd  Is it the same charge for Boys & Girls that are Bound out not less than 75 dollars but as much more as I can get.  [[underlined]]  Yes.  [[/underlined]]

There is a Colored woman here very destitute she has four small