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Transcription: [00:32:55]

{SPEAKER name="Flight"}
Deputy LOM, Flight, on flight director.

{SPEAKER name="George Lowell"}
Flight this is Lowell, he's not here right now.

{SPEAKER name="Flight"}
George, ah, on the last balloon release at T minus 6, we had no land IPs.

{SPEAKER name="George Lowell"}
No land IPs at all.

{SPEAKER name="Flight"}
That's correct. That's correct and that's for the EDS case.

{SPEAKER name="George Lowell"}
OK, I'll tell him when he gets back.

{SPEAKER name="Flight"}


{SPEAKER name="Flight"}
Network, flight.

{SPEAKER name="Network"}
Flight, network.

{SPEAKER name="Flight"}
I am still with 1 CP, correct?

{SPEAKER name="Network"}
That's affirmative flight.

{SPEAKER name="Flight"}
Are you making progress on the other one?

{SPEAKER name="Network"}
Standby flight, he's calling me right now.

{SPEAKER name="Flight"}