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slope it does not get above the mouth of the canyon at 6500 feet. It is marked by Pseudotsuga in part, Pinus flexilis in part, by Acer grandidentatum, Circocarpus ledifolius, Amelanchier, Prunus melanocarpa, Betula fontinalis, Populus angustifolia, Salix (narrow leaf), Juniperus scopulorum, Berberis repens, Artemisia tridentata, Wyethia  , Balsamorrhiza sagittifolia, Ceanothus velutinus, Symphrocarpos orophilus, Ribes Areum and possibly d. irriguum,

[[underlined]] Canadian Zone [[/underlined]] reaches on S.W. slopes from approximately 8000 to 10000 feet and on NE slopes from 6600 to 9000 feet.

It is marked by [[flora]] Picea pungens & engelmannii, Abies concolor, Pseudotsuga in part, Pinus flexilis in part, Pinus merryami, Populus tremuloides, Acer glabrum, Lepargyrea canadensis, Pachystema, Juniperus communis, Ribes wolfi? + another + sanguineum.  Sambucus pubens, Sorbis, Myrtaesia, Loncera involcrata + utahensis, Vaccineum erythrococcum + 

Transcription Notes:
Multiple flora names need to be filled in. The correct spelling of Balsamorhiza only has r, if needed to know to verify the plant name; the author included two r's, so it appears as "Balsamorrhiza." "Symphrocarpos orophilus", as it is written by the author, refers to the plant Symphoricarpos oreophilus. "Sorbis" perhaps referring to Sorbus (mountain-ash).