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[[underlined]] St. Anthony [[/underlined]]

[[underlined]] Aug. 31. [[/underlined]] Tramped over on one side of river in forenoon & drove over toward sand dunes in afternoon & tramped over flats after supper to try & find gophers but found no signs of [[underlined]] T. idahoensis [[/underlined]]. 
Found 2 sets of hills of [[underlined]] fuscus, [[/underlined]] evidently; on moist ground.
No signs of Perodipus, so did not set dry traps.

Upper sonoran zone is very dilute here & many of the plants are absent. No Tetradynia or Eurotia even on the sandy soil.

[[underlined]] Upper Sonoran [[/underlined]] species are
[[underlined]] Chrysothamos graviolus [[/underlined]], common on dry ground.

" [[ditto for Chrysothamos]] tortiplia, com. on all soils.

Artenisia Tridentata, " " " [[ditto for Com. on, ditto for all, ditto for soils.]]

" [[ditto for Artenisia]] trifida, abu. on " " [[ditto for all, ditto for soils]]

Opuntia missouriensis, " " [[ditto for abu., ditto for on]] dry soil

" [[ditto for Opuntia]] fragilis, com " " " [[ditto for on, ditto for dry, ditto for soil]]

Psoralia glandulosa, " " " " [[ditto for com, ditto for on, ditto for dry, ditto for soil]]

Plantago patagonica " " " " [[ditto for com, ditto for on, ditto for dry, ditto for soil]]

Oryzopsis micrantha, A little on sand.

Grindelia squarrosa? Com. along woods

Wadia " " " [[ditto for Com., ditto for along, ditto for woods]]

Salsola " " " [[ditto for Com., ditto for along, ditto for woods]]

Transcription Notes:
Chrysothamnus graviolus is misspelled above, but I believe this is an accurate transcription