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[[underlined]] St. Anthony [[/underlined]]

[[underlined]] Transition zone [[/underlined]] species  seem to dominate,

[[underlined]] On river flats - [[/underlined]]

Populus angustifolia, abu.
Salix 3 species " [[ditto for abu.]]
Alnus rhombifolia com
Betula fontinalis " [[ditto for com]]
Amelanchier " [[ditto for com]]
Prunus melanocarpa " [[ditto for com]]
Ribes longiflora " [[ditto for com]]

[[underlined]] on dry soils [[/underlined]]
Kunzia tridentata, abu on sand
Balsamorrhiza saggitalies, abu. on dry soil.
Artemisia tridentata com.
" [[ditto for Artemisia]] trifida abu.
Chrysothamnus tortifolia " [[ditto for abu.]]

[[underlined]] A few Canadian zone [[/underlined]] species grow along river close to the cold water - 
Populus tremuloides, patches along river.
" [[ditto for Populus]] balsamifera " " " [[dittos for patches along river]]
The zones are mixed & Sonoran is found only on dry soil. When cold ditch water enters the soil it is a question if it does not bear pure transition 

Transcription Notes:
I believe that the instructions say it is no longer necessary to indicate that there is a blank page, i.e., [[blank page]] [[end and start]]