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  He was Chief of Air Corps, First Army to Han 25, 1919; and returned to U.S. Feb. 1919, assistant to Chief of training and operations, Air Corps, March 1919 to Jan 1920. Officer in Charge, Air Corps Field Officers School, 1921.
  Lieut Col. Air Corps, 1920; Air Service Engineering School, McCook Field, 1925 to 1926;
  Command and General Staff School, 1926 to 1927; Chief War Plans Section, Training and Operations Division, Air Corps to date.
  His flying rating is Pilots' Certificate #30, July 6, 1911.
  Expert Aviators Certificat [[Certificate?]] #3, Sept. 1911.
  Jr. Military Aviator, Aug. 8, 1917;
  Airplane Pilot, Oct. 5, 1920.
  He is at present Major, Air Corps.

Address: c/o Chief, Air Corps, War Department, Washington, D.C.