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A native of Drumbo, County Down,

He departed this life the 7th day of May, 1837
Aged 85 years, 2 months and 16 days.
He was a Captain in the 6th Regiment 
of the Continental Line of South Carolina
of the Army of the Revolution
and participated in all the suffering and 
privations incident to that perilous 

His God shielded him in the day of battle
and covered his head in every dangerous

During the time that remained to him 
after the war he was found within his 
domestic circle and in the exercise of 
that benevolence, justice and integrity 
which marked the upright man.

He was a Christian and the hope and trust 
of a Christian remained with him, never 
forsook him, and sustained and supported 
him in his dying hour.


The days of his pilgrimage are ended, he 
rests in peace, his dust has returned to 
the earth as it was and his spirit unto 
God who gave it.

Transcription Notes:
I'm preserving the line breaks because it represents how the tombstone was actually engraved.