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Robert Milling, I and Descendents.

Robert Milling, a successful planter and a large landowner in the Salem Section of Fairfield County in the early years of the 19th century, was, like all Milling settlers, a native of Ireland. His relations to Capt. Hugh Milling are uncertain, but it is perhaps that Capt. Hugh left a legacy to "Hugh" Milling, son of Robert Milling deceased. In his own will Robert Milling had bequeathed a sum of money "to my nephew" "David Milling," which David may possibly have been Hugh's son, although there were other David Millings in the District at the time. Robert Milling was married twice, his first wife, Margaret, dying Sept. 13, 1814, at the age of 35. She was probably a Nason, as their daughter was named Margaret Nason Milling. His second wife, Mary Milling, was the mother of his five sons and survived him by 13 years. She died Dec. 13, 1841 at the age of 56. In addition to large tracts of land purchased from John Drake, Marry Moore, Percy Milam, Bubage Warward and Henry McDowle, Robert owned numerous slaves and considerable personal property. He was a justice of the peace for Fairfield District (Book E., Ordinary's Office, Vol. 7, page 2). He died Oct. 25, 1828 at the age of 63, which would place his birth in the year 1765. He is buried beside his wives in Salem Churchyard, just to the right and rear of the imposing new edifices which replaced the old meeting house. On his gravestone and that of Margaret, his first wife, is the statement that both were natives of Ireland, but for many years residents of this state. Robert Milling's will (Index. No. 58-899) is on record in Winnsboro and, like that of Capt. Hugh, is a model of clear phraseology and equitable provision. Besides his widow, Mary Milling, and his unmarried daughter, Margaret Nason Milling, five sons are mentioned: they are Hugh A., David J., James R., Robert (M), and John McK. Special requests are made to his nephew David Milling and to Robert Milling Camak, son of Moses Camak. (See will of Robert Milling - Index No. 58-899) gravestones of Robert, Margaret, and Mary Russell Milling, Salem Churchyard; Marine Conveyance Index Book, Clerk of Court's Office, Winnsboro, 1785 to 1842.