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[[underlined]] COMPANY CORRESPONDENCE [[/underlined]] 

Pomona, Calif.
Aug. 29, 1932.

Major T.D. Milling,
Fitzsimons General Hosp.,
Denver, Colo.

Dear Major:-

A mutual friend, by the name of Simon Rooney, dropped in my office this morning and asked if I had any relatives in the service. Told him none that were known, until he said we had the same name, Milling, then that started the thoughts rolling.

I recall my father having written me several years ago that he had run across the name of a Major Milling in the Air Service, and the name being so unusual, had written the major, but do not know if the letter was answered or not, as I was over seas at the time.

As I remember things now, my father's father had a brother, a younger brother, of whom all trace had been lost after he had arrived in this country, and up until the time he passed on, do not believe he ever did hear.

My father's name was Harry E. and my grandfather's name was Samuel Milling, and was born in England, settling in Canada when first arriving on this side. 

This is such a small world after all that you may be the major my father wrote to years ago, and may be relative, who can say?

Would appreciate you dropping me a note, and since Simon tells me you expect to be in California before long, am looking forward to meeting you personally.

Best personal regards, I am

[[signature]] T.D. Milling [[/signature]]