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Transcription: [00:00:20]
{SPEAKER name="Speaker CVTS"}
Attention all personnel, this is CVTS. Base vehicle pre-count operations will start mark by mark at B minus 3 D 21 hours and 0 minutes. 5 4 3 2 1 mark. BLTC CVTS clear mobile launchers at zero level for S1C orbits operations.

{SPEAKER name="Speaker BLTC"}
CVTS BLTC. Roger wilco.

{SPEAKER name="Speaker CVTS"}
Attention all personnel on Fed A, all non-essential personnel are to clear the control area for launch vehicle ordinance operations.
BPSS CVTS clear all non-essential personnel from in the control area for launch vehicle ordinance operations.

{SPEAKER name="Speaker CVTS"}
BTS and MSTC 111

{SPEAKER name="Speaker Carl"}
Yes, CVTS go

{SPEAKER name="Speaker CVTS"}
Roger Carl. At your convenience, we would like to start clearing the control area for the spacecraft heavy ordinance operations. Get your verification that RF sounds is on until T minus 84 hours. And request that you change the service module deluge purge, deluge purge to two switch mode.

{SPEAKER name="Speaker Carl"}
Rodge. You do have the hour of silence. That's verified.

{SPEAKER name="Speaker CVTS"}

{SPEAKER name="Speaker Carl"}
We'll change it, the service module deluge purge in a little bit. As soon as we get a completion from S1C engine ordinance connection.

{SPEAKER name="Speaker CVTS"}
Roger. You'll notify us when they're complete.

{SPEAKER name="Speaker Carl"}
That's affirm. Will do.

{SPEAKER name="Speaker CVTS"}
Do you have an estimate at this time?

{SPEAKER name="Speaker Carl"}
It will be approximately five to ten minutes.

{SPEAKER name="Speaker CVTS"}
Roger. Thank you.


{SPEAKER name="Speaker STC"}
CTRS STC. How do you read?

{SPEAKER name="Neil Armstrong"}
STC. Loud and clear this morning.

{SPEAKER name="Speaker STC"}
Good morning, Neil,

{SPEAKER name="Neil Armstrong"}
Good morning

{SPEAKER name="Speaker STC"}
Welcome aboard.

{SPEAKER name="Neil Armstrong"}
It's a good morning

{SPEAKER name="Speaker STC"}
Are we [[toppy]]? Neil, let me know when you can verify some switches for me?

{SPEAKER name="Neil Armstrong"}

{SPEAKER name="Speaker STC"}
OK CVR, can you verify those switches now?

{SPEAKER name="Neil Armstrong"}

{SPEAKER name="Speaker STC"}
OK, on panel 8 verify float bag 1 2 and 3 are vent.

{SPEAKER name="Neil Armstrong"}
They are verified and vent

{SPEAKER name="Speaker STC"}
THC neutral and locked

{SPEAKER name="Neil Armstrong"}
Neutral and locked

{SPEAKER name="Speaker STC"}
Panel 1 verified manual attitude roll is rate command

{SPEAKER name="Neil Armstrong"}
Roll rate command

{SPEAKER name="Speaker STC"}
Pitch excel command

{SPEAKER name="Neil Armstrong"}
Pitch excel command

{SPEAKER name="Speaker STC"}
ER rate

{SPEAKER name="Neil Armstrong"}
ER rate

{SPEAKER name="Speaker STC"}
SCS TVC pitching on auto

{SPEAKER name="Neil Armstrong"}
SCS TVC pitching on auto

{SPEAKER name="Speaker STC"}
ELS auto switch on up

{SPEAKER name="Neil Armstrong"}
ELS is on up

{SPEAKER name="Speaker STC"}

{SPEAKER name="Neil Armstrong"}

{SPEAKER name="Speaker STC"}
And your event timer reset and start switches should be center

{SPEAKER name="Neil Armstrong"}
They are center

{SPEAKER name="Speaker STC"}
All right. Thank you Neil.

OK. Mike, can you verify some switches for me?

{SPEAKER name="Michael Collins"}
Yes sir.

{SPEAKER name="Speaker STC"}
All right on panel 4. SBS gauging switch AC1

{SPEAKER name="Mike Collins"}

{SPEAKER name="Speaker STC"}
ECS glide call bump select 1AC1.

{SPEAKER name="Michael Collins"}

{SPEAKER name="Speaker STC"}
Panel 3 - VHF antenna select - service module left

{SPEAKER name="Michael Collins"}
Service module left

{SPEAKER name="Speaker STC"}
SPS quantity oxidizer flow valve increase switch normal

{SPEAKER name="Michael Collins"}
SCS activated flow increase switch normal

{SPEAKER name="Speaker TC"}
All right. Your main bus A reset switch should be in center

{SPEAKER name="Michael Collins"}
OK. Stand by. Main bus A reset is in the center

{SPEAKER name="Speaker STC"}
OK SPS hidiam valve 1 should be auto

{SPEAKER name="Michael Collins"}
Auto auto

{SPEAKER name="Speaker STC"}
Main bus B reset switch should be center

{SPEAKER name="Michael Collins"}

{SPEAKER name="Speaker STC"}
All right. Back on Panel 3 S ben antenna on the able to Baker

{SPEAKER name="Michael Collins"}
SN omni antenna is to Baker

{SPEAKER name="Speaker STC"}
And D omni

{SPEAKER name="Michael Collins"}
And D omni

{SPEAKER name="Speaker STC"}
VHF Beacon switch off

{SPEAKER name="Michael Collins"}

{SPEAKER name="Speaker STC"}
Power SCE switch normal
And feedback on panel 3, your power SCE should be normal

{SPEAKER name="Michael Collins"}
Power SCE normal

{SPEAKER name="Speaker STC"}
And your AC bus 1 2 reset switches should be center

{SPEAKER name="Michael Collins"}
Center and center

{SPEAKER name="Speaker TC"}
All right. Thank you Mike.

{SPEAKER name="Michael Collins"}
Yes sir. [[?]]

{SPEAKER name="Speaker STC"}
CMP STC how do you read?

{SPEAKER name="Buzz Aldrin"}
STC CMP loud and clear

{SPEAKER name="Speaker STC"}
Good morning Buzz

{SPEAKER name="Buzz Aldrin"}
Good morning. How are you gentlemen?

{SPEAKER name="Speaker STC"}
Just fine, thank you.
All right CMP, can you hit some switches for me?

{SPEAKER name="Buzz Aldrin"}
I believe so.

{SPEAKER name="Speaker STC"}
All right. On panel 2 your abort system prop switch is on auto

{SPEAKER name="Buzz Aldrin"}
Roger. [[?]] is on auto.

{SPEAKER name="Speaker STC"}
Caution warning boost

{SPEAKER name="Buzz Aldrin"}
Caution warning on the boost

{SPEAKER name="Speaker STC"}
Start your mission timer

{SPEAKER name="Buzz Aldrin"}
Mission timer is started. Do you want it reset to start?

{SPEAKER name="Speaker STC"}
No, just go ahead and start it.
Oh, it is. Ah. All right, put it to start.

{SPEAKER name="Buzz Aldrin"}
Roger. It is started

{SPEAKER name="Speaker STC"}
OK. Real good. OK. On panel 2 your suit circuit water accum auto switch to position 1

{SPEAKER name="Buzz Aldrin"}
Roger. Water accum to auto 1