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Lieut. Milling, in Airship, Calls at Washington Barracks.


Lieut. Kirtland Also Adds to Fame by Rising to Height of 3,260 Feet.

^[[July 7   11]]

Lieut. [[pencil underlined]] Thomas De Witte Milling [[/pencil underlined]] of the United States Army stepped into his Wright biplane at College Park Md., this morning and after rising to a height of about one hundred feet and circling the field several times decided to call his brother officers at the Washington Barracks. He left the aviation field at 11:15 o'clock and arrived at the parade grounds of the barracks in this city about fifteen minutes later. Lieut. Milling carried a passenger, Lieut. Kirtland.

Upon his return to the aviation park Lieut. Milling said he made a "fine trip and fine landings."

Fort Myer Trip Postponed.

The sound aviator remained at the barracks in this city about twenty minutes and then started back to the hangars at College Park. When he left the aviation field this morning, Lieut. Milling said, he intended flying across the city and Potomac river to Fort Myer. He encountered counter-currents of air, however, while up about 400 feet over the National Capital, and he decided to postpone the Fort Myer trip until some other day. But he surprised the officers at the barracks, and when he alighted was surrounded by the soldiers and congratulated. Had the lieutenant gone to Fort Myer the chances are that he would have run into the storm.
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