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[[newspaper clipping]]
^[[July 25  11 ]]

Officers Make Flight.

At the army aviation school the treacherous weather kept Arnold and [[pencil underlined]] Milling [[/pencil underlined]] on the ground for quite a while. Finally, in a good breeze, each took the machine up for a flight, remaining in the air about fifteen minutes. Lieut. O. O. Dickinson, of the Twenty-fourth infantry, station at Plattsburg barracks, N. Y., was a guest of the camp, and was taken up by Milling on his flight. Dickinson is an old balloonist, and enjoyed the trip. Today, if the weather permits, the officers will attempt some cross-country work.

A new order went into effect at the aviation camp yesterday. Officers connected with the school must wear their uniforms while on duty, and one officer will stay at the camp all night. The officer-aviators had been accustomed to wear civilians' clothes and go home every night.

Because of the new order, flights will be continued until late in the afternoon, as the men who are detailed to stay over night are the experienced aviators. They are Lieuts. Milling, Arnold, and Kirtland. Milling was at the camp last night.

The new machine ordered by the army for use at the aviation field left Marblehead yesterday, and should arrive not later than Saturday.
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