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[[top 2/3 cut off]]

Organized labor yesterday had heavy demands upon its time with a parade and subsequent meetings, outings, picnics and excursions, but 5000 stood on the Charles-st mall of the common for more than two hours taking part in a demonstration against the "kidnaping" of Sec John J. McNamara from Indiana to California, there to stand trial for alleged complicity in the dynamiting of the Los Angeles Times building.

The 5000 represented men who had participated in the parade with their friends who occupied the space within reach of the voices of the speakers.

Beyond them, stretching over the rise on the sward and along Charles st were several thousand more listeners. So the men who told the story of the injustice to the secre-
Continued on the Ninth Page.

Hackenschmidt, Beaten Before He Starts, is Soon Done.

CHICAGO, Sept 4--The geographical center of the wrestling world was more than ever fortified at Humboldt Ia, the home of Frank Gotch, today. Moreover, referee Ed Smith, who proclaimed the world's champion victor over George Hackenschmidt, declared that for the next ten years there would be no shift of the wrestling capital, unless Gotch should choose to change his place of residence.

The Russian's showing was pitiful. The crowd decreed that he had quit, but the defeated challenger, through copious tears, averred that he entered the arena with a wrenched knee on which Gotch worked and speedily reduced him to a state of comparative helplessness.

The foreigner's nerves were on edge. He spent a sleepless night and was pale when he crawled through the ropes. Dr J. J. Davis, who examined both wrestlers before they want to the mat, declared that though there might be something wrong with Hackenschmidt's knee it was not evident during the examination.

While it took Gotch 14m 18 1/2 s to gain the first fall, the second fall required only 5m 33s, which, Hackenschmidt's friends assert, proved that his knee was in bad condition.
Continued on the Tenth page.

[[image: see previous scan]]
Upper Picture—Just Before the Start from Atlantic. Lower Picture — His Landing at the Finish, His Wife and Mayor Fitzgerald Hastening Out to Welcome Him, and Sopwith in His Monoplane in the Upper Right Hand Corner; the Englishman Having Flown Out to Meet the Winner.


It is needless to tell the readers of the Boston Globe that I am pleased over winning the tristate flight, made possible by Gen Chas. H. Taylor. I must say, however, that pleased is not the word. I am enthusiastic, for no victory ever gave me such pleasure as that of today, for it occurred in my home town, and where everyone knows
Continued on the Third Page.

It was the privilege and the pleasure yesterday of the Boston Globe to entertain more people in New England than ever had [[been?]]
Continued on the Fifth Page.


[[table of 20 columns]]
[[header row]] |NAME | Start | Arrive Nashua | Distance Miles | Time of Lap | Left Nashua | Arrive Worcester | Distance Miles | Time of Lap | Elapsed Time | Left Worcester | Arrive Providence | Distance Miles | Time of Lap | Elapsed Time | Left Providence | Arrive at Field | Distance Miles | Time of Lap | TOTAL TIME| [[/header row]]
Ovington..| 11:10:28 | 12:00:00 | 40 | 49:32 | 1:24:00 | 2:09:35 | 46 | 45:35 | 1:35:07 | 3:22:00 | 4:07:35 | 44 | 45:35 | 2:20|42 | 5:03:54| 5:49:34 1-5 | 44 | 45:40 1-5 | 3:06:22 1-5|
Milling . .| 11:43:49 | 2:05|30 | 40 | 2:21:41 | 2:33:15 | 3:33:00 | 46 | 59:45 | 3:21:26 | 4:14:00 | 5:20:44 | 44 | 1:06:44 | 4:28:10 | 5:58:33 | 6:51:00 | 44 | 54:27 | 5:22:37|
Stone started at 11:13:05 and came down disabled at Medford. Atwood started at 11:36:58 and came down with motor troubles at Medford. The distances given are the railroad mileage between the different points.
[[double line across columns 1-5]]

Page 1.

Earl L. Ovington wins the Globe $10,000 contest for monoplanes; Lieut Milling, USA, victor in the $7500 event for biplanes.

Frank Gotch makes short work of George Hackenschmidt in bout for world's wrestling championship at Chicago.

Beattie calm througout day on witness stand; grilling to be resumed this morning. 

Meeting on the common in protest against the "kidnaping of Sec McNamara" is attended by 8000.

Ovington's own story of his winning flight for Boston Globe $10,000 prize.

Organized labor has 15,000 men in line on one of the best Labor day parades ever seen in Boston.

Page 2.

Worcester gives Ovington a splendid reception; aviator gets message of congratulation from his wife.

Earl L. Ovington, the winner of the Globe contest, and what he has accomplished in flying.
Boston seems to have call for next convention at session of postal clerks at Jacksonville, Fla.

Page 3.

Stone and Atwood forced to descend while flying over Globe course.

Page 4.

Notable scenes at start and finish of the Globe contest at Atlantic.

Go to California Now.

Very low fares via Rock Island Lines is comfortable through Tourist Sleeping Cars. Choice of three best routes. Dining cars. Tickets sold Sept 15 to Oct 15. For full information call on or write S. L. Parrott, 288 Washington st, Boston.

Page 4.

Crowd of 50,000 at Narragansett park to see arrival of birdmen on the Providence leg of the Globe flight.

Aviators at Atlantic praise work of Ovington in the Globe $10,000 contest.

Flight over the Globe course viewed from the rooftops of Boston buildings. 

Garros establishes new world flying record for altitude at Parame, France.

Page 5.

Aviators Ovington and Milling seen by 500,000 people at Nashua, N H.

Page 6.

Dixie IV, of American team, easily wins first race for Harmsworth power boat trophy; Pioneer, one British challenger, second, while other two disqualify themselves for entire series. 

Shrubb defeats Longboat by 20 feet in 10-mile run at Oak Island grove.

New England rowing championships on the Charles river.

New York champion hurlers defeated by Wolfe Tones at Suffolk county A. O. H. field day.

Live tips and topics.

Page 7.

Red Sox twice beaten by New York, 6 to 3 and 5 to 1: Athletics and Detroit split their games: Cleveland wins two.

Boston Nationals lose 6 to 4 and win 8 to 7 in 10 innings at New York; Brooklyn wins twice; Chicago-St Louis and Pittsburg-Cincinnati results split.

Carrigan's right leg broken at ankle in yesterday afternoon's Red Sox-New York game.

Page 8.

Favorite niece of Ex-Mayor Van Wyck murdered by lover, who kills himself. 

Page 8.

Newton woman saves child from being killed by approaching auto, but loses her own life. 

Six-year-old Esther L. Nation run down and fatally injured on Washington st.

Yesterday's amateur baseball games.

Page 10.

Dr Roller's comments on the Gotch-Hackenschmidt wrestling match.

Marquis of Queensberry, Dr. B. F. Roller and George Fitch review Gotch-Hackenschmidt match.

Clansmen win mile relay race with Cambridge Hibernians.

Page 11.

Loss of $50,000 by North End fire; dying man in danger form flames.

Eighteen persons hurt in rear-end collision of street cars in Salisbury causeway.

Myopia Hunt club's horse show and gymkhana events at Hamilton.

Miss Ada Wellington, retired Cambridge teacher, in serious condition from gas poisoning.

White and Walker favor shorter hours in speeches at Groveland.

Page 12.

The war day by day 50 years ago.

Page 13.

Brockton firemen win playout at Waltham.

President Taft and his family return in Beverly in Mayflower.

The young wife's temptation, by Laura Jean Libbey.

Daily lesson in history.

News of the water front.

Fall River man killed by auto at Somerset.

Page 14.

Household department.

Page 15.

Marie L. wins Bermuda cup in city of Boston race of 30 miles to Boston lightship.

W. A. Larned retains the tennis championship from McLoughlin at Newport in straight sets.

George Wiley wins hotly contested motor-paced match at Revere.

Page 16.

Qualifying round of the state amateur golf championships at the Essex County club. 

Worcester, Brockton and Fall River win twice and Lowell and Lawrence split, in New England league.

Ex-Speaker Cannon plays his first golf game at Brae-Burn C. C.; suburban scores.

Page 17.

R T C wins the Charter Oak trotting purse at Hartford, Conn.

Attractions at the theatres.

Large party forced to stay all night on Governors Island by burning of power boat that conveyed them.

Financial news.

Page 18.

Dorchester driving club loses matinee meet to Old Colony driving club.

Page 20.

Four killed and many injured in collision of trains near Erie, Penn.

Pres Markham of Illinois Central refuses to meet federated employes.

Thousands see athletic contests on Cambridge field and get a glimpse of aviators.

Boston unions keep "open house" and hold smokers after the parade.

[[image: cartoon of a cherub playing lute, rays of sunshine behind; flowers bloom including a beside the feet and the word FAIR at the top]]
WASHINGTON, Sept 4 -- Forecast for New England and eastern New York: Fair Tuesday; Wednesday unsettled, probably rain; light to moderate variable winds.

Local forecast for Boston and vicinity: Tuesday fair, light variable winds; Wednesday partly cloudy, probably showers in the afternoon or night, light southwest winds.
Temperatures at 8 last night: Albany 68, Atlantic City 68, Bismarck 62, Buffalo 64, Charleston 76, Chicago 74, Denver 80, Des Moines 76, Eastport 60, Galveston 82, Hatteras 76, Helena 46, Jacksonville 80, Kansas City 72, Montreal 60, Nantucket 58, New Orleans 78, New York 60, Philadelphia 72, Pittsburg 74, Portland (Me) 62, Portland (Or) 56, San Francisco 58, San Diego 66, St Louis 74, St Paul 64, Washington 70.

The Globe's forecast: Wednesday local showers in the afternoon or night. The temperature will continue moderate and seasonable, with light southwest winds; Thursday will probably be partly cloudy and cooler with northwesterly winds.

Home Coming 
Household Supplies
[[image: printed, square tea tin with circular lid]]
[[caption]]London Mixture Breakfast Tea [[/caption]]
[[image: printed, tall square tea tin bearing words 'Choisa CEYLON TEA', with square lid]]
[[caption]]"Choisa" Ceylon Tea
1-lb. Canisters 60c
1/2-lb. Canisters 35c [[/caption]]
[[image: circle containing logo bearing image of a swan nesting, its wings partially extended, surrounded by words: SWANSDOWN
[[image: line drawing of bottle with tall neck and oval label]] [[caption]]Veuve Chaffard 
[[?-torn paper]]
Olive Oil
Bottled [[? torn paper]]
in Hene[[missing paper]]
Full Quarts
Full Pints
Full 1/2 Pints[[/caption]]
Send for Price List of Everything a Housekeeper Needs In Our Line
Cor. Tremont and Beacon Sts.} Boston
Copley Square }
185 Milk Street (Wholesale) }

Transcription Notes:
Bottom 1/3 of page in scans 15 & 16.