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Ray Morriss In Curtiss Ship


What has become of the old-time barnstorming and exhibition pilots of 25 years ago?

Were they all killed off in crashes, Or did they grow up with aviation and accumulate riches from its rapid post-war rise to commercial importance?

If there are any left, are they gray-bearded and superannuated today, or what?

The answer is that, despite the heavy casualties of the early days, some scores of the pioneer fliers are alive, their exploits in bringing aviation to the four unhonored and unsung. The oldest one of them that this writer has encountered, Arthur B. Stone, one of the old Bleriot school, who began flying at 36, is just turned 62; and the youngest, Waldo Waterman, who built his first plane while a student of San Diego high school, is just past 40.

Stone is an inspector for a large airplane concern near Los Angeles. Waterman has just developed a successful tailess monoplane, which is in the light plane class and which may bring flying within the reach of all. Others, others, including Chas. F. Willard, the first aviator to be engaged by Glenn H. Curtiss, are either rich or poor, in the game, or out, but with us nevertheless — and as aforementioned, unhonored and unsung. Merely noted, they are, for what they are today, not what they used to was.

The case history of one Raymund V. Morris of 1515 10th ave., Coronado, Calif., has been selected for presentation in this article as a fairly typical example of the rise (and falls) of pioneer airmen, and illustrative of the aftermath.

Morris is engaged in a prosperous business of his own, located in San Diego. Although he made his first actual flight in a heavier-than-air craft at Mineola, in 1910. He is only 47 years old at this writing. He is a well-built specimen, energetic and active. He may suffer now and then a few twinges reminiscent of a few physical disarrangements occasioned by a series of violent crashes when he first began to unfold his wings, but, if so, he exhibits no traces of these after effects to the beholder.

Briefly, the story of Morris, brought up to date goes as follows. He was born at Milford, Conn., on Aug. 31, 1889. He finished elementary and high school, but spent but a year in college. He then had some experience with a dirigible in 1909, giving up aerial navigation for a year, at his mother's request, but coming back for more in 1910.

First he built an aeroplane and wrecked it. Then he bought one, in knocked-down form, from Frederick Schneider, of Rochester, N.Y., assembled, and wrecked it. And then — the proudest moment of his life — he says — Glenn Curtiss selected him as a star member of his organization

Morris was engaged by Curtiss in 1912, and was actively associated with him for four years, as exhibition and test pilot. In 1914 the Curtiss company sent him to North Island, San Diego. In 1915 he married Miss Grace D. Gibson, of Coronado. In 1916, when the North Island school was closed, he purchased, and resold in dribbles, the Curtiss equipment there.

Injuries sustained in a crash from a height of 1,500 feet, rendered him, in the government's estimation, unfit for army service in the late war. He served the government in a civilian capacity, however.

Harmon Now Owns Paulhan's Ship
New York City THAT, May 1, 1910 (E. B.) — Presaging what they soon become a general practice among wealthy sportsman, Clifford B. Harmon announced today had purchased one of the two farming biplane switch Louis Paulhan, the French airman, brought to this country recently, and would hereafter fly the aeroplane for pleasure.

Harmon, a man of considerable means, was an ardent ballonist prior to taking up aviation as a hobby. In the spherical balloon New York last winter, at St. Louis, Mo., with Augustus Post as an aide, Harmon remained aloft 48 hours and 26 minutes, setting a new duration record.

While at St. Louis both Post and Harmon are said to have become interested in heavier-than-air navigation, after seeing Glenn Curtiss, the Hammondsport, N.Y., airman, make some flights. Both men planned to buy and fly the Curtiss type of machine, but after riding as a passenger with Paulhan, at the Los Angeles aviation meeting last January, Harmon expressed his preference for the French type of plane.

It was in a Farman biplane that Paulhan set a world altitude record of 4,146 feet at Los Angeles, in addition to making some spectacular cross-country flights.  

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London, Conn., a distance of 110 miles, which he covered in 2 hours and 10 minutes. 

After arriving at New London, Atwood rose again with the mayor of the city as a passenger and flew over the Yale-Harvard Varsity boat race which was in progress. Leaving New New London at 7 o'clock the next morning Atwood flew 3 1/4 hours non-stop to the suburbs of New York City.

Having replenished is fuel supply, he sailed down East River and over the skyscrapper section of New York and landed on Governor's Island, completing his record journey.

With his desire for aerial touring undiminished Atwood left New York on July 4, for Washington. He flew the first stage of the journey, 110 miles to Atlantic City, in the elapsed time of 5 3/4 hours. While making an exhibition flight here, with Chas. K. Hamilton as a passenger, Atwood crashed into the ocean and wrecked his plane.

Borrowing a Burgess machine which Hamilton had recently purchased the aero tourist flew on to Baltimore. On July 11, he reached College Park, Md., and on July 14, completing his 576 mile journey, he landed on the White House lawn where he was greeted with a handshake by President Taft.

Burgess Co., and Curtiss are licensed by the Wright brothers to build Wright-type aeroplanes.

Happy Landing Early Birds!
Now under the management of C. B. Gallie, formerly of Pine Valley CCC, Company 901.
Sunshine and Main
El Cajon

Drip Coffee with Real Cream
On U. S. Highway 80 — 8 miles west of Jacumba
Short Orders
Plate Lunches — 40 cents
Special Dinners
Save 50%
At Kelly's Garage
El Cajon

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aft to test the front elevation control. He thrust his shoulders from right to left to check the balancing planes. He turned the rudder from side to side and watched its action closely.

He then gave a signal and the motor was started. The machine bounded across the terrain like a scared jackrabbit but did not rise. The performance was repeated several times to no avail, then Walsh gave up further attempts at trying to make the balky aircraft climb into the air.

There was nothing wrong with the plane or motor, he said. The ground being too soft, he could not gather sufficient momentum to rise.

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packed in a conical arrangement underneath the lower wing.

Starting off in the same manner as any ordinary flight would be made Captain Berry took his seat besides pilot Jannus. As the aeroplane rose above the 1000 foot level the aeronaut left his seat and clambered to a pecarious position on the plane's undercarriage.

When all was in readiness he signaled Jannus and jumped. The parachute opening after a drop of 400 feet. Immediately the nose of the craft, released of its extra burden, shot skyward, but with a steady hand the aviator righted it and spiralled without mishap to the ground.

[[image – a wreath tied with a ribbon]]
In Memoriam

Killed at Denver, Col.
Nov. 17, 1910

Killed at Los Angeles
Dec. 31, 1910

Killed at North Yakima, Wash.
June 1, 1912

Members Of The 1910 – 1911 Wright Exhibition Team