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3rd. Ind. Maj.Wm.L.Moose,Jr., As-USA, 1st Nat. Bank, Morrilton Ark. Aug. 17, 1922--to Hq. 3rd C.A., Baltimore, Md. Returned. I have been relieved from duty[[strikethrough]]g[[/strikethrough]] at the Richmond Air Int. Dep[[strikethrough]]t[[/strikethrough]]ot and at present on leave of absence, will report for duty at Gen. Service School Fort Leavenworth on or before Sept. 3rd. 
In view of the above, it is requested that I be relieved as a member of the Board appointed by Par. 28, SO 123, HQ 3rd Corps Area.            William L. Moose, Jr. 

4th Ind. HQ. 3CA, Baltimore, Aug. 22, 1922 To C. of Staff, 80th Div., etc. 
Who will designate an officer of the A.S. in the grade of Maj. or above as a member of Exam. Board "C", appointed by Par. 28, S.O. No. 123, these Hq., c.s. vice Maj. William L. Moose, Jr., A.S.
         By order of the C.A.S.   F. K. Ross
                                  Assistant Adjutant.

5th Ind. HQ. 80th Div., etc. Aug. 25, 1922. To C.O., 3 CA. 1. There are no Majors of the A.S., O.R.C. residing in the State of Virginia. None of higher rank. 
                                   James H. Tierney, 
                                   Acting C. of S. 

6th Ind. HQ. 3 CA., etc., Aug. 26, 1922--To The A.G. A., etc. 1. It is requested that a Maj. A.S. be designated for appointment as an additional member of Board appointed by Par. 10, S.O. 10, these Headquarters, 1922. 
            By order of C.A.C.     O.E. Roberts, Jr. 
2 Incl--                           Assistant Adj. 
  Lrs. of recommendation. 

7th Ind. W.D., The A.G.O., Sept. 11, 1922. To C.G., 3 CA. 1. Returned. The C.A.C. states that Maj.W.C. Sherman Langley Field, Hampton, Va., is available for duty as a member of the board of officers referred to in 4th Ind.
By order of the Sec. of War:   H.H.P. Adjutant General
2 incls.

8th Ind. (See Attached.)