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103 Armstead Bridge Court
Norfolk, Va.
Aug. 5, 1922

Fr: Capt. Wm. Abbitt Coleman, AS-ORC
To: C.G., 3 C. A.
Subj.: Exam, for promotion

1. It is requested that I be ordered before an examining board for promotion in the O.R.C.

2. I was first commissioned as 1st Lt. in Aviation Section S. C. on Oct. 26, 1917, and ordered to active duty Nov. 3, 1917. Received my discharge April 7, 1919. Was Commissioned as Capt. in the O.R.C. on June 9, 1919 and have been on inactive status up to the present time with the exception of two weeks from July 2nd 1922 to July 16th 1922 at L. F., Hampton, Va.

Wm. A. C.
Capt. AS-ORC

1st Ind. Hq. 80th Div., Cor. 7th & Franklin Sts., Richmond, Va., Aug. 8, 1922. to C.O.,  3rd C.A.
1. Approved. A suitable vacancy exists within the division to which this officer may be appropriately assigned in the event of his promotion to the next higher grade.

2. It is recommended that exam. be held at L. F., Va.
James H. Tierney,
Act. C. of S.

2nd Ind. HQ. 3rd C.A., Baltimore, Aug. 10, 1922, to Maj. Wm. L. Moore, Jr., A. S.-USA, Hq. 80th Div., 7th & Franklin Sts., Richmond, Va. Pres. B. od Of. appointed by Par. 28, S.O. 123, these Hq., c.s.

1. The application of Capt. Wm. A. Coleman, AS-ORC, 103 Armstead Bridge Court, Norfolk, Va., for examination for promotion to the grade of Maj., A. S. O. R. C. is approved and he has been notified to communicate with you in regard to the exam.

2. It is requested that you take the necessary steps to have him examined.

3. Your attention in particularly invited to (Section XVIII), Special Regulations 43, W. D., 1921.
By order of the C.A.C. F K. Ross, Assistant Adjutant.